I am tired of crying on my friends shoulders, I know its my responsibility to make my self happy and if I don't want crack in my life then I should leave my spouse who is addicted. I know what I should do, but doing it is the hard part. My husband has been a user for 11 years, he has never used more than once a week, sometimes will go 2 weeks. Every once in a while he has gone for 4 months at time clean. I have never heard of someone who can actually have some sense of control over this. Today i am on a feel sorry for myself day, normally I put my hurts away. I am a great actress, I don't want my children seeing me sad, there is seldom a day goes by without it being on my mind. But no one knows how deeply it controls my life, just like it controls the addict. I am encompassed by crack and yet I have never seen it.
Hi 11 years too long
i have been with my h for 10 years, he too has had times of great control- he uses marijuana. you will see my earlier post this week. my friends dont know that he still uses i keep it a secret too and am also a great actress, somtimes it is exhausting. his drug use controls my life, i continually wonder where he is and what he is doing, but i am trying really hard to detatch and create my own life. This must be very hard for you as you have children and they dont need to see that. Does your h think its a problem and has he ever had any treatment? is he willing to do anything about it and have you got any counselling or support groups or have your children, are they aware of what their dad does?
It must be very hard to have children in this situation because you will always be tied to this person. Are you thinking of "getting out"?
I am glad you posted here, there is lots of support and people who know what you and I are going through.
Take care of yourself and youre kids
looking forward to hearing from you again
i have been with my h for 10 years, he too has had times of great control- he uses marijuana. you will see my earlier post this week. my friends dont know that he still uses i keep it a secret too and am also a great actress, somtimes it is exhausting. his drug use controls my life, i continually wonder where he is and what he is doing, but i am trying really hard to detatch and create my own life. This must be very hard for you as you have children and they dont need to see that. Does your h think its a problem and has he ever had any treatment? is he willing to do anything about it and have you got any counselling or support groups or have your children, are they aware of what their dad does?
It must be very hard to have children in this situation because you will always be tied to this person. Are you thinking of "getting out"?
I am glad you posted here, there is lots of support and people who know what you and I are going through.
Take care of yourself and youre kids
looking forward to hearing from you again
I have 4 the youngest is his daughter she is 10,boys 22, 20 and 16 only the 22 lives at home, he just moved back recently. They know my spouse goes out, I have always said he's out drinking and that it is better for him to stay at friends places then to drive. I do admit I myself will do that on the rare occasion when going out with the girls from work. But they also know how upset I get! I often want to leave but with only one vehicle, which he needs for work, it would make it very hard for daycare, for me to see my youngest son who lives outside any local bus service, and I have so many outstanding bills I could never recovery from on my own. He does provide a huge amount of money to the house hold. Also I know this sounds horrible, I am so tired of failure. I had left my previous relationship because of phsyical abuse.