12 Stepper, Brooke, Carol.. Etc.

I am just curious, I have never taken sub but I am wondering if you can get high on Sub.. Trust me I am not trying to find out so I can run and get sub, thinking I will get high..LOL... I am just curious.. I have been on 5mg of Methadone for a around a year or so, I started taking it to help me stay off my doc.. I have never increased this amount and have never felt high on it so I am wonder what is the difference between the two as far as using them as a tool to stay off your doc.. I have ins. now, but it is pretty crappy insurance but am starting to work full time now and hope that as soon as I am eligble to switch to full time ins. it will be better, so am considering seeing about the sub.. but I am wondering if it would be any different than using the methadone... In other words which in the long run or short run would be the better....Which would be the easier to get off when I am ready to ween off either of them, etc... Thanks for any info you can give me I am not very good at researching on the computer, and thought maybe you could help... Paula
Paula, I've never been on it so I have no idea but Brook has. I'm sure she'll be along before too long.

Hey Paula, LMAO,,,,,,some things never change, do they? <wink>

I have been on both, meth and Sub., and I can honestly say that Sub. gives you less of a "high" than meth does. I prefer Sub. 100 X more than meth any day, for various reasons.
I am on my way out the door now, but will write more and explain when I get home. Sorry.
Talk to you later!
Hey Paula, I have never been on Methadone and when I got on sub I was in a detox unit WD from pills, so I didn't feel high, I felt normal if this makes sense.

I would call your insurance company to see if they know of doctors that take insurance, because it is very expensive. From my understanding, Methadone is a lot cheaper.

Most addiction specialist not all but some will require payment per visit up front, then it is up to the patient to file with their insurance companies.

You can go to www.naabt.org and do the patient/physician matching system for those in your area, and ask if they take insurance. The pills are costly as well, but my drug benefits covered those excluding a co-pay.

It is also my understanding that sub is a lot easier to wd from than Methadone.

Good luck.
Thank you Carol, Brooke and Kat.... I will check futher into this, as I said my insurance right now it for part time, hopefully after my 8 week period of working full time again I can go up to a better insurance, which will have prescription coverage as well also what will be great, I can add my husband to it and it will pay the other 20% that medicare does not cover for him.. His bills are going to start adding up and I really need the help financially with his medical bills etc.. Getting Goverment financial help is a joke, it is pretty much impossible.. Right now my insurance is Kaiser and it sucks but it is better than nothing.. Thanks again for your responses.. Paula