13 Days For Me

Well, 13 is going to be my lucky number b/c today I'm 13 days clean and it's the 1st day that I woke up with a little more energy. I ran some errands. I picked up in my house just a little. Walked my dogs - still not long b/c of the heat. When I woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep, I thought I was dreaming.
I will try and be more patient re: energy - tomorrow I may not have as much energy but I have enjoyed today and will remember that I will have more days like it.
All I can say is I feel high on life and it's better than all of the Lortabs in the world and the best part - this kind of high won't kill me.

This is it, this is my life!

Love to all of you and thank you all for everything you have said. You just don't know (even) some of the little things said that helped me. I would love to thank each of you by name but it would break my heart if I left out any of you wonderful people.

I hate for today to end.

Just call me "13 DAY JEAN
you sound so good!!!! im so envious!!! keep it going!!!!


I'm slowly but surely catching up with ya!!
thats great Jean!

Its been 22 days for me know vikes (14 days off fetanyl). I woke up this morning feeling like crap, had a mild panic attack before I went to work, but once I got there things started to get better. By the end of the day, I was singing and smiling. I feel pretty good today, but I am absolutely TERRIFIED, that I will wake up tomorrow feeling like crap again.

Yesterday was rough. I hope it was the w/d rearing its ugly head one last time.
I'm still jittery, and don't have all my strength back, but I am not a vegetable today either.

I will NEVER eat another pain pill as long as I live. I absolutely REFUSE to go through this hellish nightmare again. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No buzz is worth this. I'll get high on life, and maybe some chocolate. I just want to go srcream off my deck at the top of my lungs "I AM ALIVE"

I have all of you and of course my main man Jesus to thank for today!

I am SO proud of you, Jean! Most of my family live in the Greenville/Spartanburg area and say it is sweltering hot. It ain't no picnic down in FL either!
So tomorrow you will be "2 week Jean"!
Hey 13DayJean,

Congrats! Two weeks ago, did you ever think you'd be posting about having 13 days clean? To what do you attribute your success so far? What have you been doing to keep your addiction at bay?

Keep it up!

Congratulations "13-Day Jean." That's great. It just gets better from here on out, as long as you don't take that first one.... None

That is awesome! Hopefully each day will get better, or at least that has been pretty much it for me so far. I am on day 15 and at day 4 I never thought I would get here. Still somewhat fatigued and a little trouble sleeping but other than that things are drastically improving.

Hang in there and if you need anything shoot a post and I will keep tabs.

Take care and congrats.