18 Days Off Vicodin!!!

Just wanted to do my weekly check in and let everyone know I am still going strong! 18 days now. No cravings whatsoever! I have gotten a few emails from online pharmacies telling me I am due for my refill and I was going to take myself off of their list but decided that seeing these things everyday is a constant reminder of how painful it was going off of and it keeps my mind where it should be!! I am feeling better than ever thanks to everyone here and the support I received. Hope everyone is doing okay.


Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself!
Congratulations Liz!!!!!!

19 days is huge. Every day is going to get better and better.

I think keeping yourself on those "net pharm" lists is very clever. I should think that getting an email telling you it's time to get more pills should really hit you in your gut.

Don't ever let yourself forget that The Pill Monster is sitting beside you right now waiting for you to feed it. When those emails arrive The PIll Monster will do just about anything it can to force you to hit send so it can get it's fix.

Keep posting. You are an inspiration to a whole lot of people.

I don't think you need those kinds of reminders. What happens when you're having a really bad day and there it is, staring you in the face? The opportunity to get more pills? I say take yourself off of thier lists. Threaten them with the cops if they contact you again. You don't need that kind of reminder. Good for you on 18 days. You are so well on your way!

Good to hear from you!. I hope EVERYONE here reads this and gains hope and strength and COURAGE from what you've been able to accomplish. I'm happy for you and I'm so glad you've taken the time to write and let us know how you're doing. Believe it or not, I think about you all the time!


Doesn't it feel wonderful?
I wish you much luck and keep posting. I promise it helps.
I hated the feeling 2 ways - as in 2 personalities - up, up, up, or way down.
I would seclude myself in my room and just come out to get a bowl of cereal. Now I pick up the phone - even to telemarketers - haha - I do politely tell them "no" and hang up but I was getting to the point of not answering my sons' calls.

Much Luck to you.

Congratulations! Keep going and before you know it, it will be 18 months....

As for the OPs.........I "took my name off their list" 2 years ago, and still get about 20 emails a day, down from 50, so don't get your hopes up. LOL Those people are relentless.
You can try this........write to them and tell them the customer they are writing to has passed away, and you no longer wish to see their ads coming into your email. Threaten DEA action. That may slow them down a little, but nothing else I ever tried did.
Good luck with it all.......just be glad they don't call your phone.
Have a good day!