18 Y.o. Sister Addicted To Methadone

I am writing about my 18 yo sister who recently found herself with a heroine addiction. A year ago she came to my father and I and admitted she had a problem we all went throuh couseling and she promised if she ever felt the urge she would ask for help. My sister and I live with my father, and my mother is a severe alcoholic. My father has provided for us emotionally and finacially most of our lives. Over the last year, after the treatment she began to wreck her car, had no interest in friends, and no job. RED FLAG... But she insisted it was depression, and was put on anti-pressants. COme to find out over last year she has been using heroin, and then went to methadone clinic to try to get off. Well the Methadone clinic has had my 18 yo, 100 pound sister on 80 mg of methadone for the last 3 months. This place is a joke. they make her drink whiles she is there, and then get in her car and drive home. SHE HAS WRECKED HER CAR TWICE. ARE THE LIABLE? Yuo cant go to a dentist and get a tooth pulled and drive, but you can on methadone? Well now she is hooked! She has pawned unreplaceable jewerly, shoplifted, and lied. Since my fatehr took her car and all access to money, and insisted on going to clinic with her to see what was going on, she moved out while he was at work to MY MOTHERS ( The alcoholic ) and refuses to talk to my father. He has done nothing but help her, and mom has never done a thing for years. WHAT CAN WE DO ? We feel hopeless.
Hey Rosie well your sister probably went to your mother because she felt she could understand her. Besides it is like that saying misery loves company-- How can your mother say any thing that may condemn your sister--she herself is an addict, therfore giving your sister amunitionin her battle.
hi sweetheart
my situation was simular to your sisters, i was doing heroin for about a year, put my family through hell, lost all respect for myself, went to jail still didn't stop me. To make it a short story I od in september went to rehab and i have been clean since then i have 50 days to day. oh and not to mention my mother is a user also. she is there cause she knows she can do what she wants probly cause your mom feels guilty. truth is and i know this now you and your dad are helpless, just pray for her. Live and let god take of her. she will come to her senses just be patient. you almost have to turn your back completely she might be mad now but she will thank you in the long run. I know I thank my dad and love my family so much. you are in my prayers hang in there and check out some Naron or Alateen meetings in your area they are for family members that have to deal with addicts in there family.
hello, us as addicts usually sabotage everything thats good. unless your an addict though you will never understand what your sister is going through. your father actually enabled her to use by giving her money.your sister can only help herself you can't do anything for her but love her, she is a sick girl and addiction is a disease. there are many treatment centers, she has to admit to herself that she has a problem, whatever people say to her in her addiction is going to go in one ear and out the other.maybe try putting it into gods hands and pray for her every day. i am a addict, 7 year addiction, i recently finished a 10 week program and have been clean over 100 days, i take nothing i did it cold turkey which was very tough but i wanted it that way, some people need a maintinence program because they cant deal with the pain. i wish you well and my prayers and thoughts are with you

Liz D.