its my bday today, and all ive been doing is cleaning out my room :( ...
oh well, i have found this lovan to be helping me cope quite a bit though, even though my a*hole old man tells me to overdose everynight!!!!! i hate him, it will be so much better when he isnt with us!
take care friends and pls pray for my pa he isnt well with his parkinsons! and all this stress of us moving there and building stuff!
happy birthday elvis! jewels
Happy Birthday Elvis. Shantel
Happy Birthday, Elvis.


HappyB'Day,i hope things gets easier for you.~KIM
happy b-day, things will get better, elvis, thats what they keep tilling me, karen.
Hey Elvis, Happy Birthday! How old are you?
I know that you are going through alot of crap, one day you will be so tired of it and really surrender and start going to meetings get a sponsor and live a healthy clean life.
These things are not easy to do, but your life is worth the effort. You will still have problems and troubles however, you will have a whole new way to deal with them. Instead of reaching for medication to make you feel better, you will reach out to another human being like you that has been where you have and understands how you feel.
That is the best Birthday gift you can ever give yourself and your loved ones. SOBRIETY!
I know that you are going through alot of crap, one day you will be so tired of it and really surrender and start going to meetings get a sponsor and live a healthy clean life.
These things are not easy to do, but your life is worth the effort. You will still have problems and troubles however, you will have a whole new way to deal with them. Instead of reaching for medication to make you feel better, you will reach out to another human being like you that has been where you have and understands how you feel.
That is the best Birthday gift you can ever give yourself and your loved ones. SOBRIETY!