3 Days And Counting

Hello, I just found this web site on day 2 of going thru the w/d. Just wanted to say this web site has helped very much. Before I found this site I had called and talked to a detox center I was told that it was impossible to quit cold turkey. When you are going thru w/d on day 2 thats the last thing you need to hear. I was ready to pick up the phone and call my connection right then. After many years of using I dont have much of a game plan except take it one day at a time it has got to keep getting easier because it couldnt get no worse then the first 48 hours. I was looking at it wrong, I looked at going thru the w/d would be like going to hell. The truth is that the drugs have you in hell and the highway out is a very rough and hard road. I feel like day 3 will be the half way point and after today it will all be down hill. I have been keeping a diary of how I felt during these few days, hopefully one day I will be able to look back on this and laugh about it. I have a great wife who is along for the ride with me and together we can make it. It helps knowing others have been in this same boat with the w/d the sleepless nights that last forever, no energy, no appetite, sickness, cramps, legs kicking and the headaches. Although I did finally eat today I just hope I can sleep tonight. After reading everyones notes I went out and bought all of the o/c medicine that was mentioned. hopefully they will help. But can anyone tell me how long it takes to get your energy back? Good Luck to everyone.
you are right Rascal, the drugs were hell. I'm glad you arer getting out of that hell.

Rascal-i just finished day 5 bro! You're doing great! You'll be through it in no time. I still have some way to go but I feel 10x better than I did on day 2! lol-doesn't that sound sick? MAn we are sick fu$%ers! I did the same thing as you. i read as many posts as i could and just did everything I saw the other survivors did. Push through it. If you can't sleep, just deal with it. Watch TV, read, write, laugh about it next week!
