Been so busy on the road I almost forgot that on June 6th I had three years clean under my belt. Weird to think that I am just now realizing this, but thats what it has come to. I just do not think about my addiction anymore....
Congrats Bikeman, 3 years is awesome. Keep it up. Shantel
Big CONGRATS Bikeman!! This is so awesome for 2 reasons. One, the very obvious.....3 yrs.clean....Yea!!! And the 2nd for the fact that being clean doesn't seem to be as much of a job as it is in the yearly periods of recovery for you. You know.... like it being the norm instead of the exception!!
Way to go, man!
Way to go, man!
Yes, the first year was consumed with walking the straight line and much anxiety about the addiction. A definite learning process. Now there just seems to be life without pills and without the thoughts or anxiety. Not sure that makes sense, but it is an interesting transition in my life.
You've done beautifully.Keep up the good work.
That's so great Bikeman! It gives encouragement to many people.
Congrats Bikeman. 3 years is incredible. You're a wonderful example for people that are still struggling in their recovery.
Happy 3rd Birthday!!! You are one of the miracles here proud of you!
ThanQ very much. I learned lots from all you folks that had tread this path before me. Love and respect to all of you....
Congratulation. It is a inspiration and a comforting thought to know that it is possible to overcome and have a normal life.
Congratulations Bikeman.That is great to hear.Life DOES go on,and after awhile time erases some of the old struggles,and feelings of desperation.Youve come a long way!~KIM
CONGRAT'S BIKEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How nice that you don't need to think about it's just a way of life for you. Best to you, bikeman...MomNMore
I know what you mean. I had my 3 year on April 1. It just doesn't occupy your mind like it used to.
Dude I take my hat off to you....I do ......
Dave, Congratulations. I love to read your threads, and to see you doing so well. Keeping it honest and real wherever you go, I am sure.
Thanks for still being here, we need more like you.
love, Carol
Great to hear about your milestone! I haven't been on this site in quite a while. You were a tremendous encourgement to me when I dumped my pain meds last year. Your no no-nsense approach to move forward is how it's really done. To many on this "Board" keep running in place, spinning around in a vicous circle. People have got to break out and get serious about winning. Good, old fasioned will power.
Just got back from California, visiting my son and his family. We went mountain biking in Anguin at the Pacfic Union College. After kicking his butt on this wild course (I placed in a race here back when he was little guy. 23 miles of hard core trails), we went to his house and had a great visit.
At 48 years old, my back still kills me, but I have learned to love reality. I would rather hurt than walk around in a drug induced "coma". It's great to be clean. It's great to be sober. Thanks again for slaying that "Giant" called an addiction.
Pastor G
Just got back from California, visiting my son and his family. We went mountain biking in Anguin at the Pacfic Union College. After kicking his butt on this wild course (I placed in a race here back when he was little guy. 23 miles of hard core trails), we went to his house and had a great visit.
At 48 years old, my back still kills me, but I have learned to love reality. I would rather hurt than walk around in a drug induced "coma". It's great to be clean. It's great to be sober. Thanks again for slaying that "Giant" called an addiction.
Pastor G
Has absolutley nothing to do with will power, old fashion or otherwise. Bikeman kicked his own a** and worked hard to get where he is today...but not because he willed it. If it were that easy, we'ld all be clean and sober in a New York minute.
Well, i think the word 'willpower' is often misused or misinterpreted. I didn't will myself to do anything, but rather made a choice not to use drugs anymore. I did have the will to stick with it fortitude, tenacity, balls, whatever, but it didn't come easy and i sought advice from many fellow addicts on this site. The one thing that i have learned on this trek through addiction is that there are many ways to achieve sobriety. Finding what works best for you is a real journey into self exploration....a journey into your soul and the discovery of what you are made of...or perhaps even "who you are". Man, once you find that, you cannot be defeated. I make no excuses about who's fault it was that I became addicted to pain pills. I clearly made stupid decisions even having known many who had succumbed to the grips of opiates. I decided to dance with the devil and paid a terrible price. I think my addiction was a horrible waste of time/life, but in the process I did learn a lot about myself. so, yes, I do have a life again without anxiety and drugs. And yes, it was hard and took time, but well worth it.....peace Dave
congratulations bikeman.
and thank you for your last post. I think it is something that has been needed to be said for a long time.
every person here that is clean made a CHOICE to get clean, and continues to use willpower (actively making good, positive, healthy CHOICES) to stay clean..... that doesn't mean that you can do it with willpower alone, everyone needs to put in the hard work, and needs support. but to say willpower has NOTHING to do with it is naive and takes ownership (for the good and bad behaviors) away from the addict.
stop selling yourselves short.
and thank you for your last post. I think it is something that has been needed to be said for a long time.
every person here that is clean made a CHOICE to get clean, and continues to use willpower (actively making good, positive, healthy CHOICES) to stay clean..... that doesn't mean that you can do it with willpower alone, everyone needs to put in the hard work, and needs support. but to say willpower has NOTHING to do with it is naive and takes ownership (for the good and bad behaviors) away from the addict.
stop selling yourselves short.