30 Days Today!!!!

30 may not seem like alot to the average person but we know its HUGE!!! Ya baby I f***ing did it!!!!
AHHH TRACEY I COULDNT SIGN OFF WITHOUT SAYING>>>>>YOU KICK BUTT GIRL.I am so darn proud of you.Wow 30 days already.I hope you still will be part of this board.We would miss you.Anyways GREAT JOB Lady!!!!!!!mj
WTG Tracey!!!

I'm on day 17 clean and can't wait for 30 days

I have nodoughts that you will make the 30 day mark,HANG IN THERE....mj
Thanks Mj and WTR Dont worry I never would have made it without all the great people on this board Im not going anywhere still lots of work to do.Tightrope Your at a good point now Your at the point where your gonna start feeling great and realize that Yes you can make it through this now without pills and feel better than you ever did Ill be waiting for your 30 day post Thanks girls Tracey
Thats great tracey you sound really good.....Keep it up ...................Jessica
What a wonderful right of passage, isn't it. I have 35 days blessed myself, so I understand the importance of the 30 day turnover.

Pray for guidance and relief from your addiction everyday.


Tracey-Its a very big deal, so is day 1.Its all good.You take that happiness and excitement and repeat it but when you really get down to whats real,this is the ONLY day.A big burly,manly hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Girlfriend...didn't see this when I posted the other one. I'm so proud...couldn't possibly express it. I know where you've been...and you're a toughy! Way to go...ain't it sweet to get up today and worry about where to get enough...or to have enough for tomorrow. 30 days!!! Oh Yeah!!!!! Love you Beck
Thanks Jessica Janet Tim and Beck Mmmm a big burly hug eh?? Dont get me started!!! lol
I am so proud and happy!!!! *HUG*
Here's to 30 more. You have helped so many people here. Myself included. You are a huge inspiration to me. And you have a nice name.
way to go- so proud of you


GREAT JOB BABY... SO PROUD OF YOU.. your awesome. dont look now im right behind you eh.. now how bout some tips on the upcoming football season... bengals plus three over pats eh. right on eh
Congradulations on your thirty days, Tracey! and you got that right.....it's huge!
Love, Kat
you go girl!

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, 30 days is incredible.I remember when I was on my second or third day and just knowing there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to make it another hour! I'm almost to my 30 day mark and it has been a B***** hasn't it? But at the same time.... how freekin awsome are you? It is so encouranging to hear someone being 30 days clean and knowing that you kicked the devils a**!!!!! Keep strong, keep strong for all of us, but for yourself most importantly because without strongies like you, the weak become weaker! Take care. and HELL YA!!!!!
Thanks for the replys everyone I wouldnt be at 30 if I didnt have you all here for me!! Wolf Ill take the Pats!!! How much you wanna lose??? You were joking RIGHT!!!Lol Im waiting to reply to all the 30s coming up.Thanks again.Tracey
YEAH TRACEY!!! I'm so proud of you. I hope you feel as grateful as you deserve to. Enjoy today, and remember, you never, ever, ever, ever have to use again! How good does that feel?!?

Congrats on ONE MONTH CLEAN.... That is the hardest to get through in my opinion. Have a good evening and relax....You should take a nice long bubble bath and light some candles. Rae
yea tracy!!! i just wanted to stop in and pat you on the back (seems like there is a lot of back patting going on today lol) tracy you have been a big inspiration to me since i have been here,not to mention incredablely (sp?) nice. i wanted to say great job as well as thank you!