30 Yrs Clean And Still Feel Like Im Still High

After 30 yrs clean I still feel like I'm shootimg dope, can't seem to shake this feeling ?
woah. I'm 45 days clean and I don't want to hear that!

Explain a little bit more
30 years is a long time- -WHY??do you feel like your still shooting dope??Has your behavor stayed the same? I dont understand

Yeah, what's you're secret. Share the wealth! I'm starting day 2 completely clean, after 8 years on meth. but you know what I'm looking forward to is not having to go to that goddamm drugstore twice a week for my carries. Or the bi-weekly Dr. appt. for a new per and obligatory piss test. HA. Only took me 10 minutes to write this. Still a little shaky but I know it's gonna be better. That's a promise, I think.
i'm alittle confused? you have been clean 30 years and still feel it? or do you mean you feel the triggers, and the urge/need/want to use? i have gone years not using and felt fine. but when that freaking urge would come about all hell would break loose in my head/body. still it doesn't really fell like i've been shooting dope tho. i don't feel withdrawl anymore, its been to long. but the urge and triggers don't ever to seem to go away 100%.
do you go to meetings? or have any kind of recovery plan or support system? even with a long amount of clean time its still good to attend meetings(if thats your thing) or find a group thats for long time recovery. or even a conselor. everyone needs to vent and get sh*t out when they are having a hard time.cause we are all only one day away. its great you found 30 years. and i hope you continue to find many more years of clean time.

user posted image
I know...huh?

I don't think I've ever posted to you before but I've got to tell you something. Everytime I see your Avatar, I get mesmerized by it. I have to make myself pulll away from it. Isn't that the goofiest thing? I keep thinking that, any minute he's gonna give me the finger or do a head stand or something. I've got way to much time on my hands! Hope you're having a good Sunday...

I hang on to that because there are times in life were you just have to say Hmmmmmm!! It pretty much makes up for the words you are not using....(LOLOLOLOL)! Also.......I see that I am not alone....the first time I saw it I was waiting for it to flip me the bird at any moment! Have a great week!!