you know just the topic of this thread could be a smash hit song[lol]all i need to do now is write the lycrics,anyways enough with being an idiot,you know one thing that caught my eye on a response from my thread yesterday was august mentioned about putting my pride to the side and letting god take control,well thats the one thing i have never done,all of my life i felt i was the one who made decissons and everybody was awlays wrong unless they agreed with me,now i look back at it that would be selfish foolish pride,i guess getting sober has alot more to do than just stoping the pills,it's also changing the way we think,this is deffintley alot to get a hold of,who would of ever thought one little pill would cause so much confusion,deppersion and pain?it's going to be a battle like no other to get or lifes back to have some kind of happiness and stabilty,i pray to god to hear the cry of all his children who went astray and to bring them back to the love and forgivness of his son jesues christ,take care and keep the faith.vinny
Vinny, most of the folks I know who have been successful at staying off the meds for the long term (i.e., over 5 years) have had to undergo a complete overhaul of their thinking. All those I know who have undergone this process have emerged as better workers, better spouses and better parents. It takes courage to let go of our old ideas, and the journey to recovery is as epic as they get.
I suggest that you consider going to meetings. The meetings will not try to dictate to you how you should believe or what you should believe in--people of all faiths are welcome along with atheists and agnostics. All you need is a willingness to believe in some form of a higher power.
The meetings can help you focus your faith in a proactive manner with the aim of getting off the drugs. The simple act of having to sit still for an hour a day is a lot for most of us in the beginning but that alone will help you enormously in your struggle against the drugs and related issues of depression. You will also begin to connect with others with similar issues who can make very "on-point" suggestions as to how to deal with specific issues that come up in your life.
The meetings saved my life. Your life is worth saving too. Please consider giving them a try. All you need is an open mind and the rest will follow.
I suggest that you consider going to meetings. The meetings will not try to dictate to you how you should believe or what you should believe in--people of all faiths are welcome along with atheists and agnostics. All you need is a willingness to believe in some form of a higher power.
The meetings can help you focus your faith in a proactive manner with the aim of getting off the drugs. The simple act of having to sit still for an hour a day is a lot for most of us in the beginning but that alone will help you enormously in your struggle against the drugs and related issues of depression. You will also begin to connect with others with similar issues who can make very "on-point" suggestions as to how to deal with specific issues that come up in your life.
The meetings saved my life. Your life is worth saving too. Please consider giving them a try. All you need is an open mind and the rest will follow.
Meetings saved my life too. But you have to go to them. You can't just say that you do... I made that mistake and relapsed 100 times.
Sometimes you don't feel like it or something else comes up. Nothing is as important as making that meeting... it needs to become a habit just like our addiction to pills.
Hope you have a better day, Vinny. I'm thinking about you.
August...hope you have a great too. Love you buddy.
Sometimes you don't feel like it or something else comes up. Nothing is as important as making that meeting... it needs to become a habit just like our addiction to pills.
Hope you have a better day, Vinny. I'm thinking about you.
August...hope you have a great too. Love you buddy.
Hey Vinny,
My sponsor told me once, and I pass it on as often as I can, he said,
having pride in myself is good, but foolish pride will keep me sick. Hang in there,
welcome to day 45, thats how it works, one day at a time.
Take care...................................God bless.....................................Bob
My sponsor told me once, and I pass it on as often as I can, he said,
having pride in myself is good, but foolish pride will keep me sick. Hang in there,
welcome to day 45, thats how it works, one day at a time.
Take care...................................God bless.....................................Bob
Meetings saved me, too, vinny. Please consider going. Today they made me be the secretary, and I had never done that before.
After everyone had shared, it got turned back to me..and I had another share..
I told everyone that not so long ago someone asked me what I wanted to do for a career change. I told them that I wanted to be the b**** at the head of the table delegating everything if I could only figure out how to make a 100gs doing it...LOL>...I thought it was a perfect oppportunity for humor.
Vinny, go get your a** to a meeting, and just shut up and listen there. Listen for the similarites, not the differences. It does get better, that hopeless feeling will go away.
After everyone had shared, it got turned back to me..and I had another share..
I told everyone that not so long ago someone asked me what I wanted to do for a career change. I told them that I wanted to be the b**** at the head of the table delegating everything if I could only figure out how to make a 100gs doing it...LOL>...I thought it was a perfect oppportunity for humor.
Vinny, go get your a** to a meeting, and just shut up and listen there. Listen for the similarites, not the differences. It does get better, that hopeless feeling will go away.