50 Big Ones..........

Hey everybody I am proud to say FIFTY DAYS today!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........I just have had the worst week ever but I done it clean.And it feels so good to say that it so refreshing to me.I know tommarrow is a new day and thats good cause when your on pills its like you live just for those pills on that day making sure you have enough to last then you get up and do it again and again.Thank God I will not be waking up looking for pills I am FREE.Freedom is one of the most important things in this recovery to me.There is light at the end of this tunnel and I am having to wear sunglasses now..............With Love and God Bless.....Jessica...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many Congratulations!!!!
Ok I have posted in the wrong topic what do I do I need it to be in the painpills topics???????????/

Good for you!! 50 days is awesome! We love to hear success stories over hear on the families board, so don't fret about posting in the "wrong" place.
God Bless You and may you have peace in your days ahead.
Happy B-Day you spring chicken!

and, many more,

I am fifty days clean.But thanks anyway.I am 28 B day not till Sept.................Jessica
Congratulations! :)
Way to go Jessica, maybe the wrong board, but the right message!