51 Days Clean And Got A Aweful Cold

Hey guys

Wow winter in NJ. Lovely. I have the worse cold. It sucks. My throat feels like its on fire. I hate being sick!! I am having falshbacks of wd. Even though I feel like chit, im still in control, unlike wd. So i hope i feel better tomorrow. I can not call in sick to work. How is everyone tonight

51 days clean

Zoom Zoom
Congrats on 51 days!! I hope you feel better soon... Rae
Hey rae, good luck in the playoffs!
Thanks we just may need it:-0) I remember when we won the superbowl in 2003 it was so awesome. I had a few people pick me up and throw me around the sports bar I was in at the time. People were jumping off of tables and all it was a great time. LOL

So did I read you got a new car? What color is it? Rae
Yea I got the 06 Mazda 6 sports car./ Its arctic silver. Its such a sweet car. Im about to go out and cruise a little before bed. Its exciting. So much for that dumb theory about gates in our brain. There are no gates and if there are they die!! Becasue I get Euphoric every time i ride my car or get a candy bar, or get an A in school

51 days clean!!!!!!!!!
I posted to you in your other thread in case you didn't see it... Congrats on your clean time. That is a huge accomplishment!! A shiny silver sports car huh? Sounds nice... I like silver it doesn't show the dirt as easy-LOL Have fun and wear your seat belt.... Feel better soon. Rae
Congrats on the 51 days and I'm sorry about the cold. I don't know what it is about getting clean and getting sick all the sudden. I guess it means that we probably got sick before but didn't care. My body fell apart after I got clean the first time. Was healthy as a horse before that.

I have a cold too, it's really wearing on me. Just get lots of rest and stay away from cold meds that can make you drowsy, they trigger me.

How's that awesome car?


The car is fantastic. I was out tonight. Even though i feel sick. I love that dam car,. I am getting the windows tinted soon for the summer. And.... im going to rent a shore house with friends. Its going to be a awesome summer!!
You are going to have a GREAT summer Red...think about all you have to look forward too.

Brook forwarded the picture...you look exactly like I thought you would. Won't be long some cute, normal little girl will snatch you up.