6 Days Clean...thank God!


Well, here I am at 6 days and slowly eating more. Slept the whole night, leg twitching has not happened since last Thurs. & Fri. Drinking a lot of water.

I am being so encouraged by you guys posting...I've spent so much time here since last week. See, before I posted, I was a lurker and maybe came her 2 times a day and now I have no interest in the hundreds of bookmarked sites I used to frequent.

I share this tidbit...

Back in Oct. 03 when I lived in VA. near DC, I went to a medical detox where they used suboxone and I had literally no WD symptoms xcept for being a real weenie to the staff on the 3rd day. They made us go to NA/AA which was in an attached building and I remember my first meeting and getting a chip for 24 hours clean. I did not like the meetings- being a stubborn one I walked out with a friend from rehab to smoke a cig. Lo and behold one of the rehab staff was outside and yelled at me to get back in and I stood there and said: "I'm an adult and can make that decision myself- thank you very much".

My downfall after I left was not going to NA again.

I'm smarter and wiser now and am looking for local meeting via the NA web site.
Good for you tightrope! Six days is great, and going to a meeting, voluntarily, speaks volumes about your recovery. It's amazing what is possible in life when we set our ego aside and follow the path of least resistance. I think it's Rachel who always says "just suit up and show up!" How true.

Keep up the great work!



My mom used to tell me when we know better we do better. Looks like you know better now.

6 days is great!

Thank you. It's a real encouragement to me... what you wrote. I'm only 30 hours out right now.... the worst is yet to come.

What's exciting to me is that at this time tomorrow I'll be 24 hours closer to having this whole sorry episode behind me. Except it won't ever be "behind me". I'm sure some doc down the road will offer up some Percocet for one reason or another. How will I react to that?

hey patriarch
my friend-(who doesnt know what im going through) offered me the rest of her percs b/c they make her sick to her stomach. i actually told her no to keep them and that im going on a "health kick". i dont want to go through these w/d's again. yuck ew gross. im hoping when i feel a lot better that i wont think im ok to use again. i really dont want to go on this ride again. anyway, just keep posting about how awful you feel minute by minute if you have to and that really helped me.

youre a texan right? so i already know youre strong and going to keep getting hrs and days and weeks and so on under your belt. Keep up the great work!!
So now I am "TIGHTY"????? How about TIDY???

One day I won't be walking the tight rope...and I pray for the day!!!!! You won't either. We're "neck in neck"...LOL

We can and WILL do it this time!!!!!!!!!!

You WILL one day have it behind you if you make that choice.

I look at things this way...

Yesterday is gone- is can never be repeated EVER
Today is all I got - So I will live it clean
Tomorrow may not come- so don't worry about it.

I know how you feel friend, every hour and minute is one more than I had the day before. I am proud to count my days and hours and am visualizing a lot. That helps me in particular.

You're doing great- keep it up.
yippee "Tighty"

I am so happy for you. Treat yourself. Massage, sundae, some new clothes...eh...eh. You deserve it.
