My body isnt sure wheither to feel normal and happy, or be drowsy - miserable and fatigued... i'VE been through the w/d more then enough, but normally how long will your body be hmm lets say less confused or bi polar.. Alll i want in life is to be >>ME<< again and it sucks because a lot of times i forget how that feels.. I woke up this afternoon ((i work all night)), and i felt like crap.. I took a walk a little bit ago and it woke me up and i feel good again.. This has been happening a lot where I would wake up miserable and end the day feeling semi descent..Does any1 really remember when my body will start feeling at least 80% human.. Oh yeah i dont know the results yet on my urine test.. i'll post back lata'.. ttylata..
What you are experiencing right now, is your bodies way of readjusting to not having drugs. It takes a while, but with each passing day your body will heal itself, and begin making the correct amount of chemicals, hormones etc... I was taking 20 vics a day when I quit, and it took a good month before I felt like "me" again. Just remember we did not get here overnight, so we are not going to be well again overnight. Hang in there, it will get better. One other thing that made things worse for me was me dwelling on the times I felt bad. Try not to think about it, and enjoy the times you feel good for now. You are well on your way to reclaiming your life. 7 days is awesome!
What you are experiencing right now, is your bodies way of readjusting to not having drugs. It takes a while, but with each passing day your body will heal itself, and begin making the correct amount of chemicals, hormones etc... I was taking 20 vics a day when I quit, and it took a good month before I felt like "me" again. Just remember we did not get here overnight, so we are not going to be well again overnight. Hang in there, it will get better. One other thing that made things worse for me was me dwelling on the times I felt bad. Try not to think about it, and enjoy the times you feel good for now. You are well on your way to reclaiming your life. 7 days is awesome!
Right now i am fine. A little gassy, im kind of yawning a lot, and for some reason my thighs tingle slightly.. It was worse three days ago, but my w/d wasnt that horrible this time like i said b4.. BRb IN A LITTLE gotta clock in work ttylata.. mwaa ladiez