Okay this morning at 8:30 I hit 72 hours without a narcotic.
I am very scared however as I get my check either today or tomorrow and my supplier has already called waiting to take my order. The only thing I could do was say I'll call you back.
Now ever since that call that is all I'm thinking about when is my check coming can't I buy just say 10? I know what you mean you say the hardest is the staying clean.
Physically I feel pretty good. I had some restless legs last night but I took some tylenol PM and that made me go right to sleep I know it's not good to take any pill instead of the narcotics but if I can just get through this first round I hope to be okay. Also for the Potty issues I started taking iron pills and they are very binding so when you go it's normal not like diaherra or those aweful stomach pains.
Please say a prayer for me I will be strong today and this weekend.
God bless all of you..
PS is 72 hours almost there for withdrawing? I mean I actually feel very good physically now it's more the mental which seems harder.
Thanks for listening.
Hi Beebah,
Well done on 72 hours. It's a great start. You'll have good days and bad days physically in front of you. It'll take a little time to be 100% again. However, if you've just told your dealer to wait a bit, I fear the temptation will be too great. You need to tell them you won't be buying off of them anymore and to lose your number. Tell your Dr.'s if you get scripts that they shouldn't write anymore. If you don't cut your sources, you limit any real chance you have. I don't mean this in a personal way. It's true for all of us. If a source is there, it will eventually get tapped. You're doing so well. I think you'll find it empowering if you do this.
Keep posting. You're doing great. Tell the dealer to blow. It'll increase your odds tenfold. Best of luck Beebah!
Well done on 72 hours. It's a great start. You'll have good days and bad days physically in front of you. It'll take a little time to be 100% again. However, if you've just told your dealer to wait a bit, I fear the temptation will be too great. You need to tell them you won't be buying off of them anymore and to lose your number. Tell your Dr.'s if you get scripts that they shouldn't write anymore. If you don't cut your sources, you limit any real chance you have. I don't mean this in a personal way. It's true for all of us. If a source is there, it will eventually get tapped. You're doing so well. I think you'll find it empowering if you do this.
Keep posting. You're doing great. Tell the dealer to blow. It'll increase your odds tenfold. Best of luck Beebah!
Congratulations on 72 hours! You are on top of the mountain now. The worst will be over soon.
The advice you just got from intoodeep is perfect and please follow it. The Pill Monster hasn't gone away. The Pill Monster will contine to tempt you for weeks and months. You must cut off all your sources. You must tell your dealer you have quit and if you are contacted again you will notify the police.
Your life is on the line here. One more pill could be your last. Its OK to threaten your pill sources. Its OK to tell you doctors. You are saving your life.
I was stunned at the numer of times I would start thinking about having just one or two pills. It went on for months. I am certain that if I had kept one source I would have gotten "just a few" and today I would probably be dead. There is no way on this earth we addicts can just take one pill, we have to take all of them.
Keep posting!
Congratulations on 72 hours! You are on top of the mountain now. The worst will be over soon.
The advice you just got from intoodeep is perfect and please follow it. The Pill Monster hasn't gone away. The Pill Monster will contine to tempt you for weeks and months. You must cut off all your sources. You must tell your dealer you have quit and if you are contacted again you will notify the police.
Your life is on the line here. One more pill could be your last. Its OK to threaten your pill sources. Its OK to tell you doctors. You are saving your life.
I was stunned at the numer of times I would start thinking about having just one or two pills. It went on for months. I am certain that if I had kept one source I would have gotten "just a few" and today I would probably be dead. There is no way on this earth we addicts can just take one pill, we have to take all of them.
Keep posting!
Congratulations! - 72 hours without a narcotic, you have cleared a huge hurdle!!!!
If you call your dealer back, tell him/her you have made some decisions about your life and that you do not want him to ever call you again. Tell him that if he does you will call the police, the DEA, the Regional Narcotics Unit or whatever is functioning in your community. Get that money sucking leech off your back.
That move alone will empower you more than you can imagine.
NO, do not buy JUST 10!! I have read here that " one pill is too many and a thousand is not enough." You will undo everything you have accomplished by buying and popping those 10 pills.
You are fortunate that you can sleep, tylenol PM did not even help me with that. The restless legs will ease up. Do some deep stretching exercises, eat bananas, remember hot baths.
You did some real damage to your body by abusing pills ( we all have ). The body has a miraculous way of healing itself ( most of the time ), but it takes time. Be gentle on yourself.
"There is no easier, softer way, if nothing changes nothing changes "
You are strong and you are smart. Google "NA Meeting Locator " for a list of meetings near you to go to for support. ( I don't know how to add the link ).
Pray to your Higher Power for strength, I am praying for you.
Take Care!
( Hello Catherine, Hello Beck )
Congratulations! - 72 hours without a narcotic, you have cleared a huge hurdle!!!!
If you call your dealer back, tell him/her you have made some decisions about your life and that you do not want him to ever call you again. Tell him that if he does you will call the police, the DEA, the Regional Narcotics Unit or whatever is functioning in your community. Get that money sucking leech off your back.
That move alone will empower you more than you can imagine.
NO, do not buy JUST 10!! I have read here that " one pill is too many and a thousand is not enough." You will undo everything you have accomplished by buying and popping those 10 pills.
You are fortunate that you can sleep, tylenol PM did not even help me with that. The restless legs will ease up. Do some deep stretching exercises, eat bananas, remember hot baths.
You did some real damage to your body by abusing pills ( we all have ). The body has a miraculous way of healing itself ( most of the time ), but it takes time. Be gentle on yourself.
"There is no easier, softer way, if nothing changes nothing changes "
You are strong and you are smart. Google "NA Meeting Locator " for a list of meetings near you to go to for support. ( I don't know how to add the link ).
Pray to your Higher Power for strength, I am praying for you.
Take Care!
( Hello Catherine, Hello Beck )
Thank you everyone! You have no idea how much your words of encourgement mean to me.
Bless all of you.
Bless all of you.
Think of it this way, if you get those ten you will have to start all over again. You're too close to freedom to throw it all away. Those ten might start you on a run that you may never come back from. Even if you only took the ten, you still would have wasted all this time when you're this near to feeling good.
I remember when I would run out, I would think that I'd just go ahead and quit and get it over with. It never failed that somehow they seemed to just land in my lap. I wouldn't even be seeking but I'd get a call and fall weak to temptation.
When I got serious and had really had enough, I had to let it be known. Even then those evil pills would come looking for me.
When that happens, play the tape all the way through. Remember everything from being frantic for them to wd's. Be proud of yourself for coming this far and refuse to let anyone take that away from you! You deserve all the happiness that being chemical free brings. You deserve life.
I remember when I would run out, I would think that I'd just go ahead and quit and get it over with. It never failed that somehow they seemed to just land in my lap. I wouldn't even be seeking but I'd get a call and fall weak to temptation.
When I got serious and had really had enough, I had to let it be known. Even then those evil pills would come looking for me.
When that happens, play the tape all the way through. Remember everything from being frantic for them to wd's. Be proud of yourself for coming this far and refuse to let anyone take that away from you! You deserve all the happiness that being chemical free brings. You deserve life.
honey... i am praying for you............
i am so proud of you, this is wonderful........
you are incredible...........
God Bless you and remember that i am praying for you...........
honey... i am praying for you............
i am so proud of you, this is wonderful........
you are incredible...........
God Bless you and remember that i am praying for you...........
Good morning! How are you doing?
Good morning! How are you doing?
Congratulations on 72 hours. The physical stuff should start to ease up soon. The mental craving is the b****. I think that's the worst thing of all. My mind gets on that same ole track, what if I just get a few, maybe this time will be different, maybe I can take them once in a while....None of that works. At least not for me. I can't even remember the last time I made it 72 hours. That is a great accomplishment! Keep it up, you're doing great!
Congratulations on 72 hours. The physical stuff should start to ease up soon. The mental craving is the b****. I think that's the worst thing of all. My mind gets on that same ole track, what if I just get a few, maybe this time will be different, maybe I can take them once in a while....None of that works. At least not for me. I can't even remember the last time I made it 72 hours. That is a great accomplishment! Keep it up, you're doing great!
Bump for Beebah. Let us know how you are. Stay away from that scumbag dealer. We care about you and would like to hear how you are.
HI...Good work...72 hours! See...you've already made it past a very difficult 3 days! The first 5 days are the worst. I'm not going to kid ya...It's HARD! BUT I DID IT AND SO CAN YOU! I used 20-30 10 mgs oxycodone per day...I had a bad addiction for years. Today I am 19 days clean.
You should be proud of yourself...Stay tough!
Please get rid of any and all pill connections...you MUST make a strong descision in your mind that you HAVE quit. Once you do that you can say NO! to any person, doctor, or anyone who wants to give you a pain med.
Congrats on COLD TURKEY! It is the hardest but best way, In my opinion, to quit. The first 2 weeks are bad, but it's over once you detox. You WILL feel better...Then all you have to do is stay clean!
I'm proud of you. Nice work!
You should be proud of yourself...Stay tough!
Please get rid of any and all pill connections...you MUST make a strong descision in your mind that you HAVE quit. Once you do that you can say NO! to any person, doctor, or anyone who wants to give you a pain med.
Congrats on COLD TURKEY! It is the hardest but best way, In my opinion, to quit. The first 2 weeks are bad, but it's over once you detox. You WILL feel better...Then all you have to do is stay clean!
I'm proud of you. Nice work!