Hey everyone
I hope everyone is having a nice 07. I just wanted to take a moment ahd tell you guys I have 8 weeks clean in a few hours. I could NOT be more happy. I have gained my weight back, wd is finally gone. I feel better much better, its not every day but if you look at it at a weekly basis it gets a ton better. I truly thought it would not.
Meetings the gym, prayer, school, the board its all positive things. I hope someone who is using and thinking about quitting the pain pills can see my stroy and have some faith and get off those devils. What a nightmare and its over. Its a struggle day to day sure, but you dont nead opiates to survive!
Congrats Red
Feels good, doesn't it? Once the wd's are gone, it sure makes it easier to get on with your life.
Great job.
Feels good, doesn't it? Once the wd's are gone, it sure makes it easier to get on with your life.
Great job.
It sure does Hawk, how much clean time do you have
I'll have 2 years come April 1.
It's been the best (almost) 2 years of my life.
I used to think how good I felt after swallowing a handful of pills. And really it did feel good for a few hours. When the hours were up, I needed more. When the pills were gone, I needed more. What a sad and hopeless loop I put myself through.
I play a lot of golf. When I was using, I couldn't even make a tee time unless I knew I had enough pills to get me through a round.
Today, I still play three times a week and I feel and play better without the pills. Two years ago, I wouldn't have believed it was possible.
Take care and stick with it. You'll look back at this chapter of your life and it'll seem like a lifetime ago.
It's been the best (almost) 2 years of my life.
I used to think how good I felt after swallowing a handful of pills. And really it did feel good for a few hours. When the hours were up, I needed more. When the pills were gone, I needed more. What a sad and hopeless loop I put myself through.
I play a lot of golf. When I was using, I couldn't even make a tee time unless I knew I had enough pills to get me through a round.
Today, I still play three times a week and I feel and play better without the pills. Two years ago, I wouldn't have believed it was possible.
Take care and stick with it. You'll look back at this chapter of your life and it'll seem like a lifetime ago.
Congrats on the clean time! It already seems like a long time ago. A bad dream. But I keep it real and clean. I know how fast the dream can become a nightmare. Im happy to be where I am today
Congrats on the clean time! It already seems like a long time ago. A bad dream. But I keep it real and clean. I know how fast the dream can become a nightmare. Im happy to be where I am today
Have been thinking of you dog.....I am so proud of you....you have your life back, congratulations!
Good for you, Dog. You rock. I knew you could do it.
Job well done...Love, Sharonn
Justin quotes-Meetings the gym, prayer, school, the board its all positive things
That is awesome Justin.I told you once you hit the gym and get some of those natural endorphins pumping it would be like a shot of magic.Exercise,eating whole natural foods and drinking lots of water is the key between rapidly feeling better and a protracted w/d syndrome.
One thing I would like to see you do now is start sharing on here more.You have to give it away and there is a lot of new people that come on here everyday.Look for the threads where people are asking for help.You have a lot to give away,don't feel that 8 weeks is not enough time.It's a hell of a lot more time than 0 days,eh?
You are doing great.
That is awesome Justin.I told you once you hit the gym and get some of those natural endorphins pumping it would be like a shot of magic.Exercise,eating whole natural foods and drinking lots of water is the key between rapidly feeling better and a protracted w/d syndrome.
One thing I would like to see you do now is start sharing on here more.You have to give it away and there is a lot of new people that come on here everyday.Look for the threads where people are asking for help.You have a lot to give away,don't feel that 8 weeks is not enough time.It's a hell of a lot more time than 0 days,eh?
You are doing great.
You are so awesome Red...you made my night reading this.
And like Tim, I would like to see you share more too...just like you do in meetings. We need more recovery threads here.
Congrats darlin.
And like Tim, I would like to see you share more too...just like you do in meetings. We need more recovery threads here.
Congrats darlin.
Reddog!!! You were my earliest inspiration! When I found this board, I was only 8 days clean. Reading your notes on withdrawal helped me a ton, in that I knew it would get better cause of what you wrote! I am 37 days today, and it sure got better after that 30 day mark! I am more sure of myself, and so relieved! The pills were a nightmare for me over 5 years. I let it get so bad at the last 6 months just to prepare for a quit date! Anyway, I did gain 15 lbs back (I was REALLY bad) I am finally functioning well. The headaches and back aches went well past 3 weeks! I can actually work a full day without pills! I never imagined that before! I am happy you shared the experiences, and hope we can pass the help along. We both wanted to get off pills and we did!!! Way to go!! I am going to be going to the gym if the weight don't start distributing itself, lol! I literally started starving myself, loosing all body fat and muscle tone. I kept some pictures of before and after, but it about makes me sick to my stomache to look at what I was did to myself. Take Care, Brenda
Congrats Reddog!!! Wow, you are doing great...
Congrats to you, as well, Brenda. You are a miracle!
Congrats to you, as well, Brenda. You are a miracle!
Thank you!! It feels like a miracle to have my old self coming back! I was in such a dark hole at the end, I was really not expecting to come out of it! I thought the crap had me. Its wonderful to see how strong we can be. I wasn't ready to quit on my daughter. She deserved her real mom back, and she is loving it!
Wow congrats on the 37 or 38 days that you have. Thats sweet! I had no idea my wd could be of hlep to others. I think everyone has different views about getting clean etc./ I just kept and remain busy, very busy. Between wd itself, meetings, work school the board it was nuts. But time moves on, Day 7 turns to day 10 very fast. You start to feel bette, it takes time though. I still have probl;ems with sleep, I dont like to talk about sleep becasue if i think about it, it makes it worse. I have been working out now and it does help a lot. Tim made that suggestion to me weeks ago,
It does provide some sort of shift-- working out
It does provide some sort of shift-- working out
Hey Dog...Hows it going man?...At 8 weeks the worst is definitely
behind you..You are on your way...Rock On!!!!....
behind you..You are on your way...Rock On!!!!....
what a wonderful gift you have given your self..........


Hey Thump!!..How are you doing tonight?...
Hey Doug how are you doing man?????
Yea im pretty happy about the clean time. The last wd sympton to go away is always the sleep. Hopefully working out will easen that up a bit.
Good evening thumper how are you
Yea im pretty happy about the clean time. The last wd sympton to go away is always the sleep. Hopefully working out will easen that up a bit.
Good evening thumper how are you
hi doug..........
i am doing great........
just having a relaxing night here.........
how are you..........?
thank you for asking, very kind of you.............
it always a nice feeling when someone asked how you are..........
i think i may take go to bed early tonight..........
i have been trying to go to bed earlier........
take care doug............
your a sweetheart.
thank you
i am doing great........
just having a relaxing night here.........
how are you..........?
thank you for asking, very kind of you.............
it always a nice feeling when someone asked how you are..........
i think i may take go to bed early tonight..........
i have been trying to go to bed earlier........
take care doug............
your a sweetheart.
thank you
Dog...Sleep was the last to come back...but it will come back...
Just keep on keeping on...
Hey Thumper you rock...whenever I see you post I always want to
jump in and say hello....
Just keep on keeping on...
Hey Thumper you rock...whenever I see you post I always want to
jump in and say hello....