It's been 90 Days since I quit Opiates, mainly that Demon OxyContin. I haven't felt this good in years. I am not having any desire to go back. I was throwing away all of the old bottles last weekend and one had that old familiar rattle. It had an Oxy 80 in it. I immediately showed it to my Wife then flushed it down. Thanks everyone for your support !
Congrats on 90 days..that is huge.
Any chance there's more of those bottles around your house? Maybe have your wife look...I had my husband look when I finally had the guts and honesty to tell him what was going on. Funny, he didn't find any. I was not the type of addict to not know exactly how much or what I had. lol
Any chance there's more of those bottles around your house? Maybe have your wife look...I had my husband look when I finally had the guts and honesty to tell him what was going on. Funny, he didn't find any. I was not the type of addict to not know exactly how much or what I had. lol
big old bear hugs to you agent!!!!! Great job
Congrats Agent~!
That is huge, 90 days is so awesome. You are a miracle, don't forget that.
That is huge, 90 days is so awesome. You are a miracle, don't forget that.
All Bottles gone....I kept them in one place and just figured they were all empty. Anyway thanks for all the KIND words and support. You people are the Best !
Congrats Agent Guy! 90 days. Keep up the good work!