A Big Test

not one drink i went to a party that had an open bar and wine on every table and i did not drink anything except h2o it was weird to be out like that and not to have even one drink i had a good time and met some new people and even talked to them this was the first big party i went to with alcohol and i made it without a drink or drugs for that matter who would have thought i could that not me good luck to everyone especially with all the party stuff

user posted image
I think thats great keep up the great work did you guys dance the nite away I hope so your wondeful love poopie love you mistyeyes
user posted imageWay to go!!!! See, it is possible...!!!
Congrats , its interesting when you dont drink to see people hold conversations when they are drunk its amuzing and sad IF they have a problem. Since its the holiday season this was a great 1st test for you . also remember at any time at any party you can if your feling squirrely leave or just not go, there are options but again happy holidays and good going Ray
Way To GO you should be very proud of yourself...mj
thanks guys for responding in the beginning i was agravated and angry because i couldn't drink but after alittle while i got use to the coffee and the water then it was like no big deal i can not wait to be at a party where everyone is really hammer and then i can laugh at them lol this new years will be weird instead of going out hard with the baby the wife and i are gonna be watching all the little ones it will be a rootbeer night i hope everyone is doing fine tonight god bless yahs
Hey Bad,
You sound great, I'm glad to hear your doing so well. Just be careful, the first thing I learned is you can't pick up if your not in arms reach. They say...
"A bald man that hangs in a barber shop sooner or later will get a haircut" lol
hang in there, we'll get together soon, I been real busy but I haven't forgotten.
Tell Tina hello for me, have a great night.
Take care......................................God bless........................................Bob
You one a battle and your on your way !!!
hey bob after the holidays when the s*** calms down we will work out getting together and don't worry about the drinking or anything else at the parties cause i got the gestapo glued to my a** lol oh and hi marina i hope you are doing well
Just wanted to let everyone know that it really isn't a pleasant job being glued to his a**.........LMAO
Hey Bob a big hi back at you!
GOOD JOB!!!!!!!! i am very proud of you, way to go!!!!!!
go BA you are a strong individual keep up the good work you are my hero

talk or post to ya later
BA, Great job!!! Well Done and all that stuff. I dont know you very well, but your doing great. Keep it up.
