hi guys, today i got home from work and this guy who is clean and sober knows my ex, well my friend runs pool tournaments a couple of blocks from my house and he told me my ex was in the bar last night and i am like and? if i was still taking pills i would have freaked out for no reason, but i knew and it is verified he is still out there and ya know what i dont care. it simply doesnt matter anymore. my recovery is number one and i am focused on that completly. one counselor told me that i was stuck on stupid becuz of the pills and that is why i could not move forward and guess what they were right!! the obsession of this man is falling off in layers. my friend was not trying to stir the pot just touching base with me and for me the best revenge on this ex is living well, drug free, employed and not reacting when i hear about him, live in a small town, so everyone knows everything. just wanted to share this.
take care all
what a great share!!! thats a huge step in the right direction for you. i bet it must feel amazing. congrats on a job well done. you showed incredible strength and power!! i for one am super proud of you. keep up the good work and keep moving forward. its working for you and such an attractive look : )
what a great share!!! thats a huge step in the right direction for you. i bet it must feel amazing. congrats on a job well done. you showed incredible strength and power!! i for one am super proud of you. keep up the good work and keep moving forward. its working for you and such an attractive look : )