Sometimes I have difficulty responding to other threads because I'm not sure what to say. I want to be involved on this board but right now I am just learning how to function in my own life so it's difficult for me to give advice. I do want everyone here to know that I pray for the people on this board everyday and will continue to do so. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks for me. Today has been a good day. The weather is beautiful. My husband and I took our daughter to the circus and then picked up my step-daughter from work and she is spending the evening with us. I plan to have a quiet evening and just watch a movie with my family. God is good.
How inspiring your post is. To just be able to appreciate the beauty of the nice weather. I can't imagine.
You are awesome! And a miracle.
How inspiring your post is. To just be able to appreciate the beauty of the nice weather. I can't imagine.
You are awesome! And a miracle.
4 weeks! That is wonderful. Congratulations.
Enjoy yourself, you have earned it.
4 weeks! That is wonderful. Congratulations.
Enjoy yourself, you have earned it.
Shelly Your doing GREAT-One month? If i remember correctly from my sub doctor my first month was spent 5 hrs of intensive therapy. I was a mess. I
The fact you can type a paragraph filled with your honest emotions is truly amazing and inspiring.
Shellly today i had to bring my daughter home early due to work. Have to work tomm and so my weekend was cut short. But hey we had fun went to a party held where I Live and I drove her home and ran into what I call my other daughter.
She is 16 so hangin with Daddy? I got 3 minutes and a kiss. it as woth 90 minutes of driving.
Shelly you should be really proud. Keep doing what your doing one day at a time and before you know it? well your life will keep getting better --thats a FACT
The fact you can type a paragraph filled with your honest emotions is truly amazing and inspiring.
Shellly today i had to bring my daughter home early due to work. Have to work tomm and so my weekend was cut short. But hey we had fun went to a party held where I Live and I drove her home and ran into what I call my other daughter.
She is 16 so hangin with Daddy? I got 3 minutes and a kiss. it as woth 90 minutes of driving.
Shelly you should be really proud. Keep doing what your doing one day at a time and before you know it? well your life will keep getting better --thats a FACT
I am so glad you are a part of this board. I look at your progress for inspiration, you have what I want - more clean time.
Your posts are honest and agenda-free, it is clear that recovery is your focus.
I, too, don't always respond to some posts. I wish the best for everyone on this board, but, I just can't do conflict, contradictions, or controversy right now. I feel too fragile. As Sarah advised, I am " feathering my nest " ( Sarah, I hope I quoted you correctly) and building support systems and looking for tools to help me down the road. Seeing your progress helps me.
Congratulations on four weeks - I look forward to being able to say the same!
Love, Gracie
I am so glad you are a part of this board. I look at your progress for inspiration, you have what I want - more clean time.
Your posts are honest and agenda-free, it is clear that recovery is your focus.
I, too, don't always respond to some posts. I wish the best for everyone on this board, but, I just can't do conflict, contradictions, or controversy right now. I feel too fragile. As Sarah advised, I am " feathering my nest " ( Sarah, I hope I quoted you correctly) and building support systems and looking for tools to help me down the road. Seeing your progress helps me.
Congratulations on four weeks - I look forward to being able to say the same!
Love, Gracie
You are very raw right now and those of us that have been where you are know exactly the way you feel.
Keep doing the right things and you will put this disease right into remission. I am so proud of are an inspiration girlfriend1
Gracie...I echo that of what I said will get there. I love your attitude. Keep on keeping on and fight the good fight!
Huge hugs
You are very raw right now and those of us that have been where you are know exactly the way you feel.
Keep doing the right things and you will put this disease right into remission. I am so proud of are an inspiration girlfriend1
Gracie...I echo that of what I said will get there. I love your attitude. Keep on keeping on and fight the good fight!
Huge hugs
Congratulations on 4 weeks! Posting about your clean time and how you enjoyed your day sober gives everyone hope. That's a huge contribution to this community.
Congratulations on 4 weeks! Posting about your clean time and how you enjoyed your day sober gives everyone hope. That's a huge contribution to this community.
Shelly, Congrats on a month. Glad to see you are out and enjoying life without pills. Feels good doesn't it. Last night it was beautiful here. We had the kids and the granbabies here. We grilled out and then my husband started a fire outside and we all sat around it and talked and laughed and made smores. Life is what you make of it. Have a great Sunday. Shantel
Thanks everyone. For some reason I got confused about the date and I realized this morning that I don't have 4 weeks. It was actually 3 weeks yesturday. I guess my brain isn't back to normal functioning mode yet but then again it never was LOL!