A Good Story & A Couple Points

First, in case anyone missed it, did you check out Danny's question: He's considering becoming a Priest. Big step.

Has anyone here ever considered becoming a Priest of a NUN, or a Minister, or a Rabbi, or anything like that?

I was thinking this morning o something that might be positive for us. Does anyone have any good, positive stories about themselves. This does not have to be related to the present, nor specifically have anything to do with recovery- not directly anyhow.

I think it would be beneficial to us all, the teller as well as the tellies, or to put it in Spode language I think it would be the Spodeller & the Spodellies.

I'm sure we all gotta couple good stories about ourselves to share & brighten up everybodies day. SOme probably got a lot more then others. I got to get to work, but if there are no stories posted when i get home i'm throwing everyone out of the secret club that i dont have & starting a new one that i wont have.
dog i wouldn't qulafie i am married,i think there bending the rules on that alittle more now days
I want to stay in the club thats not there so I'll give it a shot.

When I was 14, my parents were going through a divorce, now I was really close with both parents and I remember how sad I was for them.

I was in a Catholic school, the same school I had been in my whole life. After the divorce, we could no longer afford to send me there, all of my older brothers and sisters had already graduated and it was just me and my younger sister left.

I went to a public school for the first time and I was lost, got really depressed and did not want to let my parents know the reason why, I figured they had enough without me whining. Well, I had a teacher from grade school who I still kept in contact with. He soon realized how much I had changed and the reason why.

This man set up a fake scholarship allowing me to go back to my old school. He knew my father was a proud man and would never allow a hand out like this. He paid my tuition for my remaining 3 years of high school, and allowed my dad to have enough money to send my younger sister back as well.

Now, this teacher was a man and I was a young girl, I felt very uncomfortable around him in the beginning of this set-up, wondering what was expected of me in return, I mean no one gives us something for nothing right?

Wrong. He never made any kind of advances towards me and even addressed the issue at one point and told me there was nothing more than he wanted than to see me happy. I owed him nothing.

To this day I keep in contact with him, he set up a Roth scholarship for my son when he was born. He says he would be honored to buy my sons college books when its time. Every year at my sons birthday I recieve a statement from the account with a $500 deposit in it for each year that passes.

He still asks nothing in return. He has never done this for another student. Why it was me, I still don't know.

To this day, my father does not know of this, that is how far this man went to make it look official.

Thanks Dog, it felt good to give him a little recognition. He so deserves it and more.

Redd, what a good man & an intuitive man (he could see your discomfort). I'm glad you shared that story, as there are definite good people in this world. Evil can surround good, but never overcome it-for all evil is is an aberation or a twisting of good. It does not stand on its own. THere can be a field, or a sqmp of utter pollution or destruction, but as time goes on, one pretty plant of some sort will grow in its midst, recreate itself over & over, & ultimately the beauty will prevail & the destroyed place will no longer exist as a thing of ugliness. In some ways (though I know your life was not all terrible) this man was like the plant in your life, spreading his love.

Well, I have a preetty stupid little story of what I did today. As soon as I tell the begining you will probably guess what happened. I had just lit a cigarette & got to a dollar general store quicker then I expected. Instead of waisting it, I put the smoke out, & put it behind my ear for my later enjoyment. Well about a minute later I smell something funny, & simultaneously as the girl working in the store says "Sir, are you aware that your cigarette is burningbehind your ear"" my head started burning. I knocked it off quickly and put out the little bit of hair that was smoldering. Talk about embarassing. I don't know what was stupider, me or the idiotic question the girl asked. "Oh yes mam", I should have
said, "I always walk around with my head on fire." It takes a lot to embaress me, but this did it.


That's one of those people who should wear a sign.....lol.