A Let's Play Nice Goos Sunday

Okay y'all, I can't believe a goos was user posted image after 2 posts.

Let's try to have a nice one, I still have Kenny. Jana is supposed to come pick him up and get her stuff from my house. Her mother and boyfriend (not jana's) are driving out to get things, I hope.

I'm already on my first load of wash, Kenny peed on his sheets, blankets and pillow so I already have it in the washer, other than that I have 3 loads to fold from yesterday.

I've got a sinus headache and little man woke me up 3 times last night.

What are y'all up to this hot Sunday?

Going to have to dump out half of the pool water in order to get it cool enough to swim in.

Morning Janet,

I've never posted on a Goos before, so after a couple years I thought I would give it a try. I even brought my own lock, is this how it works?

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welcome to the goos CO!!

yup, BYOL Bring your own LOCK
Hello Janet-First off its a RAINY Sunday. But Good to you. I normally do not post on the goos thread but after waking up and seeing all the locked threads.

I preface this by saying I am no angel .and used to get caught up in some of the dram. But have learned to let it go.

You woman just cannot. its amazing the hatred and power given to another person who you so not even know? They could be anybody. How do you fight and develop such anger over an internet encounter with a stranger.

For me its all comedy. But to the newcomer it dangerous.

I am writing this for one reason. Whoever is having all this Crap keep it off the board.

Come on M.J you post a thread "Do not want replies You start so much crap here. Months ago you said Jeff your correct and I will look at it.

Your still at it. I am not attacking you just sick of all this B.S you all seem to need in your life. You have all these medical issues that are serious and stress is the last thing you need. that's the only reason I brought your name up + the fact that you wrote Do not want replies? When someone does something that makes no sense I feel they should be called out on it.

Man you woman just cant let things go? You need to look at your actions. If you act like this on a chat board how do you all handle REAL LIFE?? That answer scares me personally.-LO<L

The mods will probably poof this response Janet but the newcomer deserves better

And ALL of you including me should never forget how important his forum can be for that ONE newcomer.

You all grow up act your ages Geez

Good Sunday to all



Hello Cynical:

Good morning.

Jeff, I WISH it would rain here. We haven't had anything since the end of July.

Yes, it is silly to allow people to have power over you on the net. I don't know about you but sometimes I just am shocked at some of the stuff that is said. That being said though, I was attacked mercilessly by someone on here, I admit I was upset to tears, so I can understand how words can hurt. I took the AA approach and forgave this person and prayed for her. This is what we can do for those that hurt us.

It is so easy to be venomous to people you don't know, but I wish this wasn't so, after all this place should be a safe haven for addicts looking for help.

There is always the RED X and that's what I suggest to those that seem to get into it.
Janet I used to get involved sometimes and look back and say to myself WTF am i doing.

Sure someone will say something but respond in a mature way make your point and move on.

Resentments are killers for addicts and well for me ? its positive. I keep the negative people out of my life. It just happened in past month a woman my next door neighbor? I put up with her crap as she has a good heart and well loves my daughter. She works for a company that has the licensing for half of my daughters favorite show. For over 18 months I looked the other way as this person would talk about everybody negatively behind there backs.


So I put up with her for My girls sake-Thats was 100% wrong on my part and well I finally blew up. Learned an important lesson. Never again do I put myself in that position.

Janet a newcomer may get turned off. Hopefully whoever has created the locked threads will stop and take it off the board.

Rain? Yea we needed. Taking my daughter to Jackie Chan Rush hour Three.

Take care--Jeff
Good morning Janet and everybody. I believe this is my first post in the goos. I've only been on the board for a couple of months, and at this stage of my recovery I really need this place alot right now. I've been told that further into recovery I will be less "needy", but right now I need suppport from everyplace I can get it. Everyone has been so wonderful to me. . All the negative posts lately have really bummed me out. I just wanted to pop in to say hello where everybody is being pleasant.

Hope everyone has a good day!!!
Goos Sunday to you all!

I picked up my two oldest grandsons Friday afternoon and have had them since. I was hoping to be outside most of the weekend but it was rainy and dampy here. They love to play in the sprinkler and I'd planned on taking them to pick blackberries (my oldest grandson and I did that last summer and we had a ball) but we were stuck inside most of the time. We'd played with all the toys in the toy box so finally, we went to the market and got some more toys there. Fourty dollars later, we got to play crazy eights, have a plastic robot war, we fished in the tub for rubber duckies, and colored pictures to mail to Mommy. My house is trashed, my back is killing me from lugging a two year old, I don't think I'll ever get the pizza sauce out of my carpet, and I've made gallons of "chokit" milk, but I'm a happy camper today. The boys are still asleep as I didn't get them to bed til 11:30 last night and it'll probably take a couple days for my daughter to get them on their schedule again. Oh Well!! That's what Nanna's are for!

Have a great Sunday!


Goos to all! I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Its just like you Janet to start a "nice" thread....your heart is the size of Ohio my friend, I hope you and yours are doing well.

A welcoming GOOS to Rhonda and Callie. Callie, I cracked up, yup, I had to make "chokit" milk too this weekend.

Amy, always good to see you honey, how are you doing? How are the kids?

You and I used to fight A LOT!!! Put em' up bit, I can take ya now. ;)

It's thundering BAD over here.

About 10 of us, including my two bro in laws and my husband went out to celebrate my birthday last night. Tomorrow is the real thing, but I had such a good time. The 'girls' got our own pool table ... we had no rules. lol. anytime i'd miss and go to give them the pool stick they'd say 'ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY, GO AGAIN!" So by the end of the night it was everyone's birthday and everyone could go as many times as we wanted.
Then My husband came over and him and I played two games. I won the first...he wasn't leaving until he beat me atleast once. ... pansy... ha.

My husband's littlest brother (we're the same age) locked his keys in the car and him and i almost drove up to atlanta (where he lives) to get his spare, but decided to call the locksmith instead. I'm glad I get along so well with his brothers.

So that's what's going on with moi!

You guys have a great sunday. love you guys, and amy I hope you're doing well.

Morning all....it's just another day in paradise<<<<<<big sigh>>>>>>>>

I am going to enjoy this day at the beach. I will go to the one just down the street..."Magic Sands"....I have nicknamed it "Tragic Slams"...lol...only because the surf and the current are ridiculous and so many happy unsuspecting tourists get tossed around like a feather in the wind! I spent a few hours there yesterday and in the short time I was there at least two were injured! This beach is truly amazing....it gets it's name because the currents bring the sandy beach in and out....literally! Its very sandy right now but when tides and surf are up it can be only a matter of hours before its gone. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I never would have believed it. Last December 23 we were playing on the beach...huge huge waves....next day....Christmas eve....all that was left was rock!!! It is usually gone in the winter months.

I was there early this morning for "beach clean-up" at 6:30am...yikes, I am usually up at that time but not functional! So with mug o coffee in hand I trudged down there to do my part. Its a volunteer thing and happens every couple of months...makes me sick how people treat the beaches here! Anyway...I am going back with my little cooler full of red bull and water...to lay out and read. I can't really go in because of an ear infection.....sucks but I still love to let the water lap at my feet!"

Nice to see everyone here this morning! Callie....it sounds like you had a blast with your grandsons. All of you that were lucky to have your grand kids this weekend are so lucky! This past weekend Kearra turned 6...she had a two day celebration and was really happy. First B-Day EVER away from her....she has been on my mind every second! I sent her a big box with lots of little things in it...she loves that...sea shells and sand, school supplies and little neat toys wrapped individually. She will get it when all the hoopla from her birthday has wained away...so it will be fun for her.

Sounds like it will be a rainy day for some...and for you guys in the south boy you sure are getting scorched this summer! Is it always that hot? I love the weather here....it doesn't change much at all...the temperature is consistent never going above the high 80's....and never below 70.....I feel chilly in the mornings when my thermostat reads 74...lol....I reach for a sweater! Its cold in Calgary right now...and rainy...the leaves are falling and autumn will soon be upon them. That is the only thing I miss...the autumns are so beautiful, the colors with the deep reds and oranges....so cool. However, a few weeks after that...it just cold and winter sets in and stays for months on end!

Okay...rambled on long enough!

Happy to see everyone here this morning...big hugs!


Calgary...in Autumn

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Crazy waves and rocks at Tragic Slams!
user posted image Belive it!! Those hugs rocks are all covered by sand right now!

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What a nice day I have had and still have the evening as I have a date. Took my daughter to see Rush hour 3 she loved it. I took her back early got to the pool for 1:30 minutes of raft time it turned out nice this afternoon.

And well couple hours off to my favorite restaurant . This blind date is willing to drive 25 miles as it had to be dinner so I figure she should get the best steak in town. She told me she loves steak so she will be very happy with the selection.

She is a teacher. 5th grade divorced 2 kids-we shall see. I am excited. Worse case scenario I pig out. This restaurant is awesome.

Wow! ! I Blind Date! You are brave!

I don't think I have ever had a date....let alone a blind one! She sounds lovely....I hope you have a nice time. Relax and be yourself....let the vibes flow!

You have had a full day already Jeff....its only 10:30am and I feel like I have had a full day too! LOL

Let us know how the date goes...I am so nosey!! Can't help it....lol
Happy early birthday Stacey!!! It sounds like you had a great time last night. It really is nice you get along with your in laws, makes life so much easier. I call my in laws the "outlaws" , but all in good fun. It would really suck to have bad family through marriage. I hope your real birthday is filled with love and laughter, one to remember along with a great evening out.

That's so awesome of you to take care of the beach like that....people really don't realize (or care maybe) what shape they leave the beach in when they leave it. Do you remember a really old commercial with an Indian crying over the pollution and littering in the woods? I was just a kid when it was out, but I still remember it.

And Miss Janet, is your laundry done yet? It never ever ends does it? I know mine will always be there between Chance and Ava. Both kids are doing great, thanks for asking about them, Chance starts school on Wednesday and bumming big time about it. Ava is walking and talking like no tomorrow. Shes sooooo soooo cute you guys, little Miss knows it all.

Good luck on your date Jeff....my husband was sort of a blind date, so you never know. If nothing else you'll have a good meal.

Good to see everyone!

She would have to be blind to be dating you Jeff..

Kee- I love that beach on your island with the black sand and really high water fall..we have talked about it before..you need to risk your life to get down to it via jeep...

Oh my I forgot it was your birthday Stacey! What number baby??? Happy B-Day....you and my granddaughter are the same birth sign!

Redd....I happy to see you! I know the going back to school can be tough on some kids...when mine were little it seemed my son always dreaded it and my daughter couldn't wait. Maybe it's a gender thing, when little Ava is ready to go to school you will see! Yes...omg..I remember that commercial....showing our age here...LOL. It freaks me out....trash....especially here on the Island! It is a phobia of mine. I am big into recycling....creating as little as possible.

Danny...I will get there...now I do remember speaking of that beach. Do you remember the name. I have my guide book and am going to look it up. I will go and take pictures. So many beaches on the Big Island are hard to access....it's good and bad.

That was cute Danny...she would have to be blind....hee heee...
Well, THIS load is done! I have everything folded now.

Jana is not coming to get her stuff yet again. She told her mom that she was going to lose it, so her mom called asking if my husband could do it. I told her the other day she needed to get it and she told me to tell her dad to call her, no, if you want your stuff, YOU call your dad. This is really ridiculous, she moved out 4 months ago and the only thing she took so far was a basket of clothes. My husband is the one who helped her move in. She moved a TV over herself and it never did make it upstairs, it sat in my living room for 3 months. She was a bit shocked when I told her it was out on the porch. Not my problem. I assume that Kenny is sleeping in her bed because we have his toddler bed. I've never been that irresponsible, I have stuff that my parents gave me when I moved out. She claims to be going to church tonight and I have to bring Kenny home at 7:30, little guy has me pooped out today.

Amy, Dylan started school 2 weeks ago, last week was the first full week. I hope Chance gets to liking it, once it gets going again. I bet Ava is such a doll. I just got off the phone with Justin and Cara is starting to drool up a storm, guess she must be starting to teethe. She will be 3 months on the 1st. She is finally sleeping almost 8 hours a night.

Stacey, Happy Birthday girl!
In light of recent insults around here, there was a great saying...
"If you have the choice to be right or to be kind......always choose to be kind."