A New Day.............

Is it me or does any one feel a fresh breathe of air today but any who, went to my sons graduation from kindergarten today I set and laughed me butt off they sung such cute songs and some of the kids were just too cute they didn't hold back at all and it was a riot and it also felt good to be clean at an very important event for my child I feel free like something I can't remember feeling before and its great but the journey is never over day by day is the way to go.Well just thought I would mention how different the air is here now!Hope every one has a positive outlook today and god bless everyone of you............
new beginning,

i smell that air, i have been smelling for over a month now, i am on a roll and hoping to keep that air pumping, remember these posative things and keep looking to the light, love and happiness, it is all with in you. it is when you look back on the darkness of where you have been that you start to feel the anxiety and all that goes with it, just a lil something i learned. keep rolling with it(the clean air). it's good to share in the good news. i am so happy for you. i tell you what with that attitude it can only get better. sure we will have our days or moments. but while remembering the clean air it won't last long and we can move on and feel pride in our victory. you go on and enjoy. you deverve every ounce of it. you are more then worth it (((((HUGS))))


Thanks Terr...I am so happy for today I really feel the fresh air today I am 15 days into this and its just getting better.I have a learnt a whole new way of living literally mind and soul I never knew self control and know that I am clean I have learnt self motivation and how to love myself again and that is air that you would not believe.I am such a sap but you know I would never have before opened up myself to anyone and never really cared about it very cold person I was but now I feel I actually feel something and that is a milestone for me........I hope you are having a great day..........

oh yeah i am feeling it i am over a year clean, it took me a long time to feel it, i used counceling, i suggest councelling or meetings, or some other outside support system as well. you may have some pit falls and counceling and meetings will give you tools and show you ways to work your way backto fresh air. i had my ups and downs. but my downs are few and far between now and last a lot less longer then ever before. i live life on lifes terms. i relearned how to live life again and be happy without having to use a mind altering substance. the world is my oyster. i get to be the person i always wanted to be in life now, and that is simply just being me, and being happy and comfortable and confident in the person in which who i am. it will take some work. but just remember when life throws those curves you have the option to to stay stuck in that rut or find your fresh air, its ok to be where yu are when that happens but its not ok to stay there. you just keep seeking the love, light, peace, happines and fresh air. your gonna make it chica. you deserve it we all do. we all are worth it. dont ever forget that. : )
