Today has been the first day ive been feeling able to get up and move around.Things are a bit screwy,i mean literally,my thoughts are in a jumble,i cant remember the day date month, in a fog.But i guess thats hoilding off some of the WD' feelings which is a good thing.
Thanks for being here,giving me a place to vent~KIM
ps`i dont know what it is,but ive drank a half gallon of orange juice today,i cant get enough?????
how long have you been off the sub? I can tell you that there were weeks and weeks that my memory SUCKED.
how else is it going?
time WILL fix it.... and time takes time.
how long have you been off the sub? I can tell you that there were weeks and weeks that my memory SUCKED.
how else is it going?
time WILL fix it.... and time takes time.
WATER not O.J way to much sugar 8 ounces of .j Max
Way to go kIm---gets better each day
Way to go kIm---gets better each day
It hasnt even been a week yet...i dont think,im not kidding ,im losing whole days,its terrible,everything seems to run into the next thing and is just a jumbled mess.The other WD signs are there,at different times of the day.I went out to get the mail this mornin,i only have 2 small stpes on my front porch(if you want to call it that)and i went right downt on my knees,never even took a step,talk about retarded.
Im just not with it and its an awful way to feel as well and nauseaus most all day i said, todays been the first day i feel half way "part ofdthis world"
(you wouldnt think so if you knew how long it took me to go back and fix the zillion typos in this post,lol}
Im just not with it and its an awful way to feel as well and nauseaus most all day i said, todays been the first day i feel half way "part ofdthis world"
(you wouldnt think so if you knew how long it took me to go back and fix the zillion typos in this post,lol}
Kim my first time off sub I was so lucky. I dis it the right way and man as soons as was off? mentally I changed my mind-date to stop a million times all month and I just stopped. And I was normal well for me 'NORMAL" Kim a year from now f-in A your going to be so amazed.
Keep up the great work--Jeff
Keep up the great work--Jeff
Hi Kim...I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but I wanted to pop in for support and encouragement. Hang in there. It has to end sometime!
Hey Kim,
Hang in there. Good to come here and see you are at this point. The worst is almost over. I cant offer much by means of experience with sub, but others here seem to have good words of advice - and of course work with your doctor if you have trouble. Find something to replace the "habit". Some heavy reading, workout with friends, etc. Maybe even some college courses. That is of course - once you get your brain back! Just hang it there for now, time will bring you back to your old self and then its up to you to stay your old self or become a better self. Good to see you are turning the page though Kim. Im happy for you.
Hang in there. Good to come here and see you are at this point. The worst is almost over. I cant offer much by means of experience with sub, but others here seem to have good words of advice - and of course work with your doctor if you have trouble. Find something to replace the "habit". Some heavy reading, workout with friends, etc. Maybe even some college courses. That is of course - once you get your brain back! Just hang it there for now, time will bring you back to your old self and then its up to you to stay your old self or become a better self. Good to see you are turning the page though Kim. Im happy for you.
Hey Kim, Wow! I can feel your pain. Just reading your words took me back to the week of W/D I went through and they were not such great memories. BUT, once the week was behind me, I remember the feelings of peace and calm and happiness which filled me when I knew I had survived and was finally clean! That is what you have to hold out for, and I know you will.
In the big picture, one week is nothing. Even two weeks aren't. I know the weakness, fogginess and all of the other bad feelings suck, but your body is regrouping and soon you'll come out of the fog and find yourself growing and getting stronger and being where this journey has been leading you all along.
I am envious as hell, and watching you do it is giving me inspiration for the day when I take the plunge again, too.
Take care, hold on, and I am here if you need me!
love, Carol