A Question?

I have posted to this board before concerning my sp. He is on xanax and methadone. This may sound silly, but here goes the question. When own these medications does this effect your hearing?. When he is looking at t.v. he has to have it really, really loud. He has it on all night long when I am sleep and it is really loud. Then when I wake up and turn it down when he is asleep then he says that he was watching it. I like he know that I have touch the remote. Also during the day when he is looking at it it is really loud.
hello my name is mitzy and use to be on 120mgs of methadone a xanax sometimes as needed basis , so o honetly think he is probably loosing his hearing, methadone does not do that i dont think , not with me atleast hell for me i would sleep like a rock, i slept so good on that stuff, but as far as my hearning, no..i seriously doubt it, i am going to look it up for you, ok and i will get back to ya! and that xanax, i doubt does that as well.i just think he is loosing his hearing or something, take care and hold on.....
Thanks Mitz,
I know that it sounds stupid, but sometimes I think that when he is relaxing, that he needs to drown out the thoughts in his head. It is so loud. An he does not sleep like a baby. I posted in the other forum for families and friends about his sleeping habits. It is title trying to stay silent.
Thanks for posting back, and really he does not sleep well, thats funny i slept like a baby, so to speak, huh?, well hun i looked up that side effects and hearing loss or anything about hearing was not on there, soo?? like i said he is probably loosing his hearing, or maybe he is just being paranoid? and it is never stuped to ask these questions, rather you just a carring about your better half is all... please take care and maybe get his ears checked?? if it is not that than i would say it is being paraniod, which i think is a side effect, i could be wrong?, but i was atleast! god bless......
Thanks for your reply. I read these post all the time. This is my addiction. This helps me to learn about my spouse and how to approach him. Thanks so much for your reply you do not know how much it means to me. I think some times I am going crazy.
well the best of luck to you and maybe you can attend Alonon(sp), its for family who have loved ones in their addiction, a support group for loved ones top get educated about this disease of addiction... it really helped my mom and family. hope that this helps, mitzy.......