Abstinence Versus Recovery

I want to pose a question to everyone and get your opinions. I'm still in early recovery so I'm not sure what to think. Do you think you can be totally abstinent (forever even) and not be in recovery? When I first started pondering this question, I thought the answer was obvious. But the more I think about it, I just don't know. Whatcha think?
Sure you can. You can also avoid dying of thirst by drinking horse urine. I just do not think it would result in much quality of life in either instance. For me, anyway.

Every heard of a "dry drunk?" that is someone who is abstinent but doing it by strength of will power. Dry drunks are usually not much fun to be around. They get the ego boost of saying they are doing it on their own and are not "weak," but most if not all of thier relationships suffer in the process.

The dry drunks I know also tend to be serial relapsers.

Better to try to rewire your brain as to not want the drug/drink. Takes less energy in the long run. Otherwise you are like one of those Gerbils on the car commercial spinning on your wheel. Lots of energy expended, not much forward progress.


AW, you need to change your avatar - that turtle keeps moving but he never gets anywhere! Certainly not representative of the progress you inspire in folks around here! :)

Yeah, "dry drunks" - been there. I've been clean in my life but so crabby and miserable nobody wanted to be around me. In fact, I was clean for years in my late 20's and early 30's. Didn't drink, because I didn't want a headache and had 3 little kids to take care of, and I had yet to discover pain pills. But I was a bee-yatch and serenity seemed like an impossible dream.

Weird how sitting in a room listening and sharing with a bunch of drunks and addicts can change all that.
Hang in there AM--I feel like that turtle takes two steps back for everyone forward most the time. Glad you are giving it a good try. No doubt there will be some tough days ahead. Takes time for our brain chemistry to readjust and the depression and jitters in the meantime can get pretty rough. There are some folks in those rooms who understand all this, and if you let them in, they will support you on your journey through the dark heat.

Glad you have chosen life.

Let me know if I can help.
