Abused By Husband

hi,iam a 44 years hold woman that been living with my boyfriend for almost 22 years whit 2 girls 19 and 13 years old lately his been drinking more and we think use of drugs too.Is like living in hel for the last year and everything that happens nomatter what it is is always my .Tonite she starter yelling at the girls and try to hit us and chase us with a scruwdriver so we call the police,now i feel guilty and dont know what to do.thank you for reading my post
Please get out of the environment as soon as you can. Do you have familly or friends you can stay with? Nobody has a right to be physical with you. Is this his first time? You can be assured it will continue going forward and get more aggressive as time goes by. For the sake of your children, do no let them be exposed to this environment. I know it's easier said than done but you need to find the courage to escape. You have no reason to feel guilty. You have done nothing wrong. Now, I pray that you make the right decision for you and your childrens future. Good luck to you.
Please do not be another bad story on the news.Life is to short.You do not have to be in a bad situation and feel guilty about some abusing you and you girls.Leave as soon as possible.God loves you and you do not deserve to be abused.
[EM hi iam glad you are there iam going thlought the same thing but i know it's not my falt and iam going though it all pressing charges and going to cort yes ,scared but i know god is with me and he is there for you to hold on tight and know you are wroth it. and you kids need more . when your thinking "i cant stand it any more know that your worth

GET RID of her next time she might not just shout
I am sooo sorry! First of all, know that it is soo hard to deal with. I understand you completley. I've been in soo many abusive relationships that it's horrible...but you have to be strong and get away before it's too late..you really do...if not for yourself, then do it for your children!
God bless and you'll be in my prayers tonight!