Abusive Father

what do you do if you have n abusive father.... no matter when i see my father he always seems to find a reason to hit mee.. he used to touch me in in aporite ways when ever no one was lookin and i never told neone biut a few friends such as matt.. and tara... and i think a few other people may no... but i got soo sick of my mom not beliving me i got a restraing order saying that he hits mee.. not sexaul harrase me.. and when i get in like a depressingmood... i fall down a hole.. and alwasy seem to go back to the memorys of what happen to mee all my life... my moms a drunk who has a promble wiht f***ing my ex's or kids my age!!! and i think thats grosss.... and my dad finds nething a reason to hit the f*** outta meeh! and evrything goes rong.. and when i have those flashback when i wake up.. i grab enuff and cut .. AND i hate that.....

how can i stop being in sucjh a depressign stager.. and doctors onlie make them worse!
im sorry to hear about your father abusing you, and that your mom does those things. I think the best thing to do is to talk to someone you trust. Talk to a teacher, a friend, or someone that could get you the right help that you need, never rely on cutting, it is never good. i cut for 3 years. Its not a great thing.. get help
Hey Kid,

First of all, I hope you realize that none of this is your fault. You really got a raw deal as far as parents go... Are you old enough to leave home? Can you go to another family member? An uncle or aunt? Matt or Tara's place? Can you get out of there for a while? You really need to...

I know how down you can get. I've been there too... Hang on, ok? Things will get better one day at a time. Every day won't necessarily be better than the last, but it's going to get better. Have faith that there are still some good people out there that would NEVER do that to you! Not in a million years...

God always gives you the strength to overcome the problems in your life. You have it in you to get through this. It's not a coincidence that you stumbled upon this message board, there's a reason for everything. You might not see the reason now, but there is one. Maybe one day when you become a mom yourself, you'll know better what kind of mother you want to be. Maybe you'll soon realize what kind of boyfriend is good for you and what kind isn't.

I don't know what else to say right now except that you need to stop hurting yourself. You need to stop right now. I care about you even if I don't know you so just imagine how much your friends love you. Hang on. Let us know how you are doing... There are many very nice people here that can pick you up when you fall... And even some that can help you stand and keep you from falling.

Good luck & God Bless you child!!!

I'm concerned with the physical appearence of an Rx for Tylenol 3.
I need to know if the words "refill one time" should be written out. I'm wondering if just putting a 1 on the refill line is accepted. I don't want to call the Dr and cast undo suspicion and the pharmacy people wont tell me over the phone. They want to see it. I'd hate to turn it in and get him in trouble. I'd like to handle this one without the athorities.

hey iot trabult teen 17./. and yes im almost 17 im old enuff to get outt the hoisue wityhim tryinng very ghard to do no luuck yet!
Hi Brandie!

I was anxiously waiting for you to come back here! I'm so glad to hear from you. I was affraid that my post would not be on time and that you wouldn't come back. How are you doing? No luck yet, well don't give up... If you need help with that (organizations that can provide a safe place to go) let me know. Will you have legal status when you turn 18 or do you have to wait until your 21? Anyway, let us know how you are, ok? As soon as possible... Right now if you can...

im moving in with my fatehr..or next door..:'(

Wait... Don't go away again! Don't move in with someone who's abusive towards you... You deserve better! Don't you see that? You deserve to be around people that appreciate you... That see you for the wonderful person you are.

You need help and we'll do what we can to get you some... Where do you live? Not your address... Just "whereabouts" do you live?

Write back this time! ;-)

God Bless you!
Still waiting...
pet do you have any child helplines where you are from - if so get in contact with them immediatly - or go to police and get yourself made ward of court - get yourself out of there asap - you do not have to take abuse from anyone - non of this is your fault - by cutting yourself you are abusing yourself - and they are winning - hopefully someone on this board is from your part of the country if you can disclose you location and they may be able to get you some idea where you can go for help.

lots of luck darling - not everyong in life is bad stay on this board someone will help you

please dont hurt yourself anymore by cutting