It has been about 36 days....maybe more than that, since I've lost count. Seems like all the problems I had have never happened. I want ALL OF YOU to achieve your goal to quit!!! It gets better I PROMISE. I remember the first couple of days. I had no energy whatsoever, in a state of depression, and it felt like my life was a little roller coaster...always depending on pills somehow to get throughout the day.
From reading some of these posts I can tell that alot of you are still this way. Don't worry, if you just keep headon through this, the outcome will be soo rewarding. Here are some of the best things that has happened to me so far:
I have energy(before I didn't even want to get out of the bed, now I'm runnin through the house....even outside doing cartwheels, falling, and getting back up!)
I'm more social(in class I don't care about being loud. I talk and laugh way more)
-And the biggest thing-
I am happy. Any of you feel extremely depressed??? Well for me I don't know if it was the pills or what, but it felt unbearable. The past couple days have been nice. I didn't feel left out, alone, tired, or upset with anything. It felt wonderful to get through the day and feel ok. Last night was the biggest thing that happened. I was talking to my bf (we are now together!!) and he made me feel like the best person, I started to cry. I cried harder realizing how everything is getting better, how my depression has seemed to disappear. I wanted to write a poem on this "new" feeling, but I couldn't find the words for it. It felt too good to be explained.
i was addicted to a hell of a lot of tabs for the past 3yrs .ive been so down ive come close to feeling i do not want to go on .if it were not for my wonderful husband and 2 lovely babies i would not be here .it really gives me some hope that somone like me can come through this and actually feel like life is worth living .thanks for the supportxx
Punkbaby.........your post made me very happy.I am so glad you are happy and realize the pills are not the answer. You truly sound GREAT! Sounds like things are falling into place for you and that is how is should be.
Enjoy every day you have in your new life!
I wish you many good things, lots of love, and freedom from addiction forever. Let me know if I can ever do anything for you! : )
That post made me very happy also......For some of you new here those are the words of a 14year old......Can you find the wisdom through it all...that if she can get it maybe everyone can......
I am so glad that you didn't give up on yourself, with all that you have been through at suck a young age you stood strong and made so proud of yourself.
You have so many beautiful, exciting and fun things to look forward to at your age. I hope that you have a blast living all that life has to offer you......
You take care of you and let us know how you are from time to time....
That post made me very happy also......For some of you new here those are the words of a 14year old......Can you find the wisdom through it all...that if she can get it maybe everyone can......
I am so glad that you didn't give up on yourself, with all that you have been through at suck a young age you stood strong and made so proud of yourself.
You have so many beautiful, exciting and fun things to look forward to at your age. I hope that you have a blast living all that life has to offer you......
You take care of you and let us know how you are from time to time....
Sorry I was gone a little after I wrote that. I'm happy that I made ya'll happy. I hope everyone keeps their faith. How is everyone???
I am so happy for you! Sounds like you're well on your way! I hope and pray that my son is able to get free forever from the addiction and depression. Once in a while I hear his wonderful, natural laugh which is a good sign. He's in rehab right now because he kept relapsing when he tried to stop. The people at the rehab feel that happened because of his severe depression.
Take care and keep us posted! God bless!
Take care and keep us posted! God bless!