dead. (Opps..Heath..sorry)
I can't believe it.
I was talking to my Mother in law and saw on CBS news, I almost dropped the phone...
Sleeping pills?
I don't cry when famous people die... but I've cried. I've followed him since I saw him in 10 things i hate about you...
This is so sad.
His poor little girl...
I was talking to my Mother in law and saw on CBS news, I almost dropped the phone...
Sleeping pills?
I don't cry when famous people die... but I've cried. I've followed him since I saw him in 10 things i hate about you...
This is so sad.
His poor little girl...
Stacy if you died I would cry. This guy? Naked in his bed and dead. Some of us die and some live.
The disease? that kills all of us that pisses me off. But cry for this guy?
I got sick last night watching intervention one story a food addict and the other a cough syrup addict DXM? whatever they call it the kid has an IQ of 170+ freakin genious relapsed all messed up. Thats sad--The actor?
Thats why I focus on Jeff. Fix myself daily as each day I learn something. Today rough day workin the weather is rainy my bones ache and at 4:40 my eldest who NEVER has come to my office popped in. She is a godess.
Stacy I Pray your daughter grows up to be like my little girl who is 17 and a woman. Immature spoiled but my freakin princess. Brought her new B.F to meet my parents -(RESPECT) and came to see me today. Made my day. Makes all the sacrifices all worth it.
I hope your girl brings you a gift on a day when you really need it. Today daily I know Kaylin brings you much happiness--talk to me 14 yrs from now-LOL
The disease? that kills all of us that pisses me off. But cry for this guy?
I got sick last night watching intervention one story a food addict and the other a cough syrup addict DXM? whatever they call it the kid has an IQ of 170+ freakin genious relapsed all messed up. Thats sad--The actor?
Thats why I focus on Jeff. Fix myself daily as each day I learn something. Today rough day workin the weather is rainy my bones ache and at 4:40 my eldest who NEVER has come to my office popped in. She is a godess.
Stacy I Pray your daughter grows up to be like my little girl who is 17 and a woman. Immature spoiled but my freakin princess. Brought her new B.F to meet my parents -(RESPECT) and came to see me today. Made my day. Makes all the sacrifices all worth it.
I hope your girl brings you a gift on a day when you really need it. Today daily I know Kaylin brings you much happiness--talk to me 14 yrs from now-LOL
Jeffrey, Jeffrey...
First ... pretend you're a girl. BWAAAHAHAHA...
Then, pretend you're a girl who is 4yrs younger than an actor that you've been watching every single movie since you were basically little...
I feel for his ex, I really feel for his little girl. Such a f***ing waste of life. I have imagined taking a s*** ton of sleeping pills (don't know if it was intentional...) but I have felt like it, and well, just didn't.
Thank God.
You'd cry for me Jeff? Well I hope I don't have to ever make you cry. But if something happened to you, if I'm like this over an actor/kodak commercials/war stories, I'll cry a river if something happened to you or any one of my friends on this board.
Kaylin is a stubborn little bit. I swear...she knows what buttons to push and then with the whole 'I'm soo sorry mommy,. I LOVE YOU!!!"
what do ya say to that??
I'm here alone, husband's outta town, I have so much studying to do and am missing my first class cause nobody could watch Kaylin. I have an exam coming up and I am starting to stress a bit.
On the upside I may be getting a raise soon. that would be fantastic. I get paid more than I ever have ... actually near double what I got paid previously, but the responsibilities that I have taken on... + Inflation??
Have a good night Jeff. Sorry about the weather. One thing you can't change. It's cold here, but not too cold. Got some snow for a second that didn't stick and then got some icy slush the other night for about 15min.
When are you coming back through GA Jeff? I swear if you're ever on I-75 and don't call me I'm going to personally track your a** down. ya hear?? lol
Love ya
First ... pretend you're a girl. BWAAAHAHAHA...
Then, pretend you're a girl who is 4yrs younger than an actor that you've been watching every single movie since you were basically little...
I feel for his ex, I really feel for his little girl. Such a f***ing waste of life. I have imagined taking a s*** ton of sleeping pills (don't know if it was intentional...) but I have felt like it, and well, just didn't.
Thank God.
You'd cry for me Jeff? Well I hope I don't have to ever make you cry. But if something happened to you, if I'm like this over an actor/kodak commercials/war stories, I'll cry a river if something happened to you or any one of my friends on this board.
Kaylin is a stubborn little bit. I swear...she knows what buttons to push and then with the whole 'I'm soo sorry mommy,. I LOVE YOU!!!"
what do ya say to that??
I'm here alone, husband's outta town, I have so much studying to do and am missing my first class cause nobody could watch Kaylin. I have an exam coming up and I am starting to stress a bit.
On the upside I may be getting a raise soon. that would be fantastic. I get paid more than I ever have ... actually near double what I got paid previously, but the responsibilities that I have taken on... + Inflation??
Have a good night Jeff. Sorry about the weather. One thing you can't change. It's cold here, but not too cold. Got some snow for a second that didn't stick and then got some icy slush the other night for about 15min.
When are you coming back through GA Jeff? I swear if you're ever on I-75 and don't call me I'm going to personally track your a** down. ya hear?? lol
Love ya
Stacy I watched intervention last night. I got sick to my stomach. I watched every minute of it.
One food addict 546 pounds I relate--and a DXM cough syrup fiend--have you ever seen what this crap does to kids.
In my last rehab we had a kid who abused jsut cough syrup thats it--and he was brain damaged. It was sick--That is why last night I just got sick to my stomach and cried when a brilliant kid IQ of 170+ was dead inside because he was abused by his dad who beat his mom ? These peolple if you can call them people should be castrated and lynched in a public area.
That makes me cry. This actor he was very talented and had his whole life ahead of him. You said it and yet he is DEAD -Learn its our disease rich poor famous etc does not discriminate.
I just guess me being famous and all will never understand the big deal--LOL
Sweetheart have a great night
One food addict 546 pounds I relate--and a DXM cough syrup fiend--have you ever seen what this crap does to kids.
In my last rehab we had a kid who abused jsut cough syrup thats it--and he was brain damaged. It was sick--That is why last night I just got sick to my stomach and cried when a brilliant kid IQ of 170+ was dead inside because he was abused by his dad who beat his mom ? These peolple if you can call them people should be castrated and lynched in a public area.
That makes me cry. This actor he was very talented and had his whole life ahead of him. You said it and yet he is DEAD -Learn its our disease rich poor famous etc does not discriminate.
I just guess me being famous and all will never understand the big deal--LOL
Sweetheart have a great night
For the last 5 years I have been a pill fiend. My favorites were opiate pain pills but I did like others, like sleeping pills and benzos. A death like this kinda makes an addict think ya know.
Oh no! Really? Loved him in Brokeback Mountain and the Knight one...what was the name of that? How sad, how very sad.
This disease just blows. You just never know do you? I watched intervention too last night and was equally sick. I love to watch it but I hate it too. So many addicts that just don't make it. Odds are against us. All we can do is fight, fight, fight.
Tragedy...that's's tragic.
Tragedy...that's's tragic.
I think its tragic - I also think some of the media coverage (because he was Australian its very intense here) is quite sick.
The specualtion and "was it suicide"and the parents coming out an announcing h it was an accident. Well of course they want to believe that - but at this stage its impossible to know and may never be possible to know.
but how about the real isse? Accidental overdose, suicide? in some ways doesn't matter. What matters is how tdangerous these pills can be - - or any substance - doesn't really matter.
Probably hits a bit closer to home for some of you on this board though cause of pills.
I don't know - whatever - he put something in his mouth to try and solve a problem (supposedly couldn't sleep who knows) - and now he's dead.
Isn't that what all of us have done for years - put something in our mouths to solve a problem - playing russion roulette - and Heath Ledger lost the game.
I'm rambling a bit - I'm tired - but I'm happy to say its an honest tired, not the tiredness of abusing my body with alcohol.
Tired - but thankful that I'm alive today - that the bullet of addiction didn't kill me yet.
The specualtion and "was it suicide"and the parents coming out an announcing h it was an accident. Well of course they want to believe that - but at this stage its impossible to know and may never be possible to know.
but how about the real isse? Accidental overdose, suicide? in some ways doesn't matter. What matters is how tdangerous these pills can be - - or any substance - doesn't really matter.
Probably hits a bit closer to home for some of you on this board though cause of pills.
I don't know - whatever - he put something in his mouth to try and solve a problem (supposedly couldn't sleep who knows) - and now he's dead.
Isn't that what all of us have done for years - put something in our mouths to solve a problem - playing russion roulette - and Heath Ledger lost the game.
I'm rambling a bit - I'm tired - but I'm happy to say its an honest tired, not the tiredness of abusing my body with alcohol.
Tired - but thankful that I'm alive today - that the bullet of addiction didn't kill me yet.
Seems like maybe some people are jumping the gun (like Idgie said) and rushing to conclusions about cause of death. The immediate thoughts when talking about young celebs are always drugs or suicide. Some folks are saying he may have had pneumonia...but no one really knows yet. This young man leaves a two year old daughter and a family of origin. Perhaps just feeling a pang of sadness for their loss and waiting to hear what really happened is the way to go. Feels right to me anyway.
Lisa, the name of the movie was A Knight's Tale. I must have watched it about 10 times, it's one of my favorites.
Yes, this is very sad, and I just caught a headline that said the autopsy was inconclusive. I have no patience with video news clips, prefer to read it.
God Bless him and his family.
Yes, this is very sad, and I just caught a headline that said the autopsy was inconclusive. I have no patience with video news clips, prefer to read it.
God Bless him and his family.
Any one her seen Candy--awesome movie where he is in arelationship and they are both addicted to heroin--the withdrawl scenes were amazingly realistic--hes was one of my top 2 favorite actors--along with johnny depp--i hate to think he was addicted or whatever--and yes we dont know what really happened--we may never know, but it seems that it was due to some troubles--they are saiying an accident and that some pills were involved--anyway--yes very sad, i didnt cry, but i do feel a sadness in my heart at the loss of a very good acot and a father--another fatherless child in teh worl--pity
i read this morning on the internet that the housekeeper went to get him for a scheduled appt to have a massage at the house, the masseuse had arrived and the housekeeper went to tell him that, she found him face down and naked at the foot of the bed, they say he was having some insomnia problems since filming the movie where he was the "joker" in batman, the pill ambien was mentioned in the article, i know how scary that drug is and there are others here that would agree, i wonder if maybe out of sheer frustration of not being able to sleep that he may have increased the dose?
autopsy was inconclusive,
sad, a young talented life gone too early.
autopsy was inconclusive,
sad, a young talented life gone too early.
I am back to this board under a diff. name as I could not remember my old info., boy, my log-in memory is not good for some reason?
Regarding Heath Ledger,Wow, how tragic. I did read that he was being treated for pnemonia, also, but, his preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive. Talented, yet, unassuming young man, he never acted like a "star" and his B.Back Mountain performance was riveting. I couldnt believe the news when my daughter read it to me..My prayers are with his lovely ex-g-friend Michelle,and beautiful daughter Matilda, who he seemed devoted to. The media jumps to conclusions and I think a young, sudden death takes time to rule a cause. Look at Kanye Wests Mom...That took a long time and still, I believe, was not conclusive. The media is so sensationalistic and that makes it difficult to remember he has a real family in Australia, who are devestated, and jumping to conclusions and speculating is unfair to the grieving ones left behind. May his family find solace seeing how respected an individual and actor he was.
Regarding Heath Ledger,Wow, how tragic. I did read that he was being treated for pnemonia, also, but, his preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive. Talented, yet, unassuming young man, he never acted like a "star" and his B.Back Mountain performance was riveting. I couldnt believe the news when my daughter read it to me..My prayers are with his lovely ex-g-friend Michelle,and beautiful daughter Matilda, who he seemed devoted to. The media jumps to conclusions and I think a young, sudden death takes time to rule a cause. Look at Kanye Wests Mom...That took a long time and still, I believe, was not conclusive. The media is so sensationalistic and that makes it difficult to remember he has a real family in Australia, who are devestated, and jumping to conclusions and speculating is unfair to the grieving ones left behind. May his family find solace seeing how respected an individual and actor he was.
May Heath rest in peace, and may his family get some peace for heavens sake.
I'm with Mom&More. They haven't done an autopsy yet. Heath has said in interviews that he can not sleep. He admitted to taking ambien and it wasn't helping.
Poor, poor guy couldn't sleep. Many of us know that feeling after like four days with not a wink ya'd take a hanfdul of anything just to get some shut eye.
It's just very sad a young man with a life full of promise. Hate to say it but it makes me wonder how Amy Winehouse can still walk. Courtney Love came out the other side. Robert Downey Jr. he made it.
Who gets to pick and choose who goes when? It's very sad. Yet, out there today another 20 something year old died with nobody to love them and nobody is missing them.
I'm with Mom&More. They haven't done an autopsy yet. Heath has said in interviews that he can not sleep. He admitted to taking ambien and it wasn't helping.
Poor, poor guy couldn't sleep. Many of us know that feeling after like four days with not a wink ya'd take a hanfdul of anything just to get some shut eye.
It's just very sad a young man with a life full of promise. Hate to say it but it makes me wonder how Amy Winehouse can still walk. Courtney Love came out the other side. Robert Downey Jr. he made it.
Who gets to pick and choose who goes when? It's very sad. Yet, out there today another 20 something year old died with nobody to love them and nobody is missing them.
There was another young actor who died recently as well..can't remember his name. He was the little boy in the movie "The Client" with Susan Sarandon. Drugs and alcohol took his life. It always seems to go in threes with Hollywood. Hope that's not true this time.
Brad Renfro-- he was in Apt Pupil too-- very disturbing movie-- I loved him in the Client though-- he reminded me of boys I hung out with at that age. Very sad--and very scary-- even though Im not wasted and high-- I am under the control of this monster of an opiate-- trying to come off next week. Ill let you all know how it goes-- take care
I just heard that some religious movement is planning on a demonstration at his funeral bc he played a gay cowboy. My heavens, where does it end?
You are right about the demonstaration at the services for Heath Ledger. My only hope is that his family brings his remains to Australia where this type of movement may not exist. I only heard about that last night, I was driving my husbands car, he had Howard Stern on, (who I typically would not listen to) and he was reading the statement from the movement that intends to cause this disruption of his services. Howard Stern was mortified by these people and their intent to cause a dispruption, and there isnt much that offends him! He was enraged to think that this family will be subjected to this group and their ideas that Heath Ledgers performance (as an ACTOR!) in BBack Mountain was part of the reason for his early demise....And we think we're sick people, this operation is similar to the one that protests the funerals of the servicemen who are killed in Iraq, I saw a segment on 60 minutes about it and they have young children at the funerals, shouting expletives and such. It is sad that there is so much hate in the souls of these protesters. What a sad statement of some of the people in our society.
Brad Renfro..that's his name. Good looking kid, promising actor. So sad.
There's nothing scaryier in this world then extremists. Especially religous ones.
There's nothing scaryier in this world then extremists. Especially religous ones.