Addicted On Tlc

The Show Addicted on TLC featuring Interventionist Kristina Wandzilak is on at 10 EDT time tonight and it's about a 21 yr. old OxyContin addict, I thought it might be interesting ?
I'm watching it now. He is resisting because he'll have no contact with his mother. I honestly never knew you could smoke oxys...ughhhhhhhhh

I hope it ends well.
saw them smoked on the show "The OxyContin Express" That's the first time I saw it, wow.....hope he cleans up too !
i think it is really interesting, really focusing on the mom
Good show, she stays with them I think or they won't show any failures so far every show of her's I've seen she's done well. I like Her I think she really understands addiction.
One thought and maybe someone can answer this question ? Why do they not really showing what the Withdrawal period, or what symptoms are really like on any of these shows, they talk about it, might show a little, but not much why ?
my personal opinion is they don't want to scare anyone. I know if they showed my withdraws nobody would be recovering!!!! I honestly don't know the real answer unless they just don't think it makes good tv. Who knows?

have a great day Agent
Thanks I made another cut yesterday and down to 2 pills and on to one or less by Jump Day, I sure appreciate your support. You have a great day as well !

Yea I think it basically would scare a lot of people if they knew what you really go thru from full blown WD's off 200--300 Mg daily of Oxy. I have had mild typical WD symptoms a lot of days but nothing like if I jumped like you did. 10 days I jump !

I can only imagine the pain you must have endured ?
death was welcome. I'll leave it at that. But felt I deserved and had to go through it.
I saw so much of myself in that mother....her relationship with her son is alot like mine with mine. Ugg.
I've always wondered that too Agent. They don't show much of the true withdrawal hell. I can see it scaring the mess out folks. I not only thought death would be easier, but I looked like death too That totally makes sense that if people saw the pain 100% they might decide to opt for the drugs!

I know this isn't the same thing, but I remember watching "Walk the Line" about Johnny Cash's life and when it showed the part when Johnny was detoxing....I could barely watch it. I had been through that and knew exactly what he was much I could almost feel it again. Really tough to watch even if it was just an actor recreating it.
I wonder if they showed the withdraw how non-addicts would react. Maybe be a bit more compassionate towards addicts. Somehow I doubt it.
I gotta say, I do not like this show as much as "Intervention" on A&E...too much about her and not enough about the addict/family. I agree that she seems very knowledgable, but I'd rather hear more substance from the addict than platitudes from her...sorry...just MHO. I saw the saddest Intervention a couple of months back...the mother was literally loving her son to was the first time I felt hopeless after watching...absolutely hopeless. Glad I don't live there anymore.

Waving 'hi' to my pals here on PP =)
"Waving" back at ya Mom. How is school going? You guys taking benchmarks yet?
I feel wd should be shown, what a drug gives you the best of everything and has hell as a flip side ... show it all, the full cycle. I actually want more, I want the compromise for a hit, I want the days of when it was no big deal and that day when one got oh s*** I have a problem and by then well there is no going back....

But I am sorry to say Alice that I don't think that it would bring about compassion. I hear far to much well they deserve this. No, no one deserves this, but the reality is that there isn't a way to get around it.

I also think people need to know what these drugs did to them, be warned of what will be when they stop and even after. Prepare them for what is normal, well normal for this. Most don't know that wd is an incentive to use, not stop. And that each wd will get progressively worse and their brain is taking notes as to what it might need to draw one back.

And in the end, in my head all I can think of is that not me, that won't happen to me, I will be ok....

I think I like the other intervention as well, on A&E. And yes, they should show more, the full cycle.