Addiction And Pregnancy

Hey guys. It has been forever since i have posted anything. Hope everyone is doing well. So i would like some input on childbirth if at all possible. I am pregnant with my first baby and am really close to having this her and i am still torn on the decision of taking anything at the hospital for pain, is a epidural considered a drug so if i decided to have one would that be a relapse? I have to admit i have a high pain tolerance but i'm pretty sure i have no idea what this is going to be like! I know that with surgeries and things it puts a different light on peoples opinions of taking anything for pain , and i'm torn on the subject, i don't think just because your a addict you have to be in pain for everything in your life..... But i just don't want to regret it after. So input please! Thanks! Pants

Pants, congratulations! No, an epidural is not a relapse. It is like a big shot of novacaine, and will not effect your brain at all, just your lower body.
Even if you have to take something stronger during labor, it would not be considered a relapse unless you come home with an RX and start abusing them.
As you said, just because you are an addict doesn't mean you have to endure pain with no help.
Good luck with the delivery, and the baby!
Ha ha that's a good point lower body is alot different than your mind. My husband and my parents are luckily on the same page that rx is not even to be written out.
Hi Pants and big Congratulations on the baby! I had my first one no epidural, they gave me a shot of valium mid labor bc the only way I was comfortable was with my knees bent and my legs were shaking like crazy. I hope you have an easy labor and delivery. Let us know when the baby comes.
Hey Pants!!!...How are things going...

Doug , i'm doing pretty good all considering. How are you doing? What's new? It's been a while,long time no talk. Pants
Amanda..Its good to see you post again, even though I don't come here
often..Its been three years since I took my last pill and my life ROCKSSS!!!..
I am living my dreams...I hope you are doing well...

Pants....Ill probaly get CREAMMED for this but with my second....I had nothing.She was a very easy birth as was my oldest.

When I first had my oldest,I was scared & to me that made the pain worse,but with my second,I knew it was going to hurt,so I kinda allowed my body to relax & knew that the pain was measured in minutes than seconds/

Congrates to you.Theres nothing like a baby to make you much like a woman.

Doug , i'm with ya i'm going on 3 1\2 those days feel like they were eons ago. Feels good doesn't it. Mj, i am so hoping that all goes well and easy i am more nervous than anything. This pregnancy has been really ruff for me, its our third try and i have been on bed rest for the most part with this one . If i'm anything like my family we don't have long labors (a hour and under) i just hope to make it to the hospital in time! So i probably won't even have to worry about the option of having anything for pain. ( sorry guys if my post turn out funny my computer is all out of whack )
Dear Pants,

Congratulations on your pregnacy and impending birth! You must be so excited!

Well, here I go. I would feel remiss if I didn't at least give you a heads up about epidurals. I suffer from a disability called adhesive arachnoiditis. This can be caused by severe back trauma, failed back surgeries, failed lumbar puncture (mine) coritisteroid shots for pain to the spine and epidurals. The doctors fail to warn pregnant women of this risk. It can essentially damage nerves in the spine and won't necessarily show up right away. Make sure you have a good anesthesiologist who God knows what they are doing. Please know I am not saying this to scare you. Plenty of women have epidurals with no problem buy more than a few suffer from this disease which is incurable and gets worse as time goes by.
I truly wish you much happinness and blessings with your new baby. However, we have to be proactive for ourselves as the doctors do not always tell you what may happen. This is not an unusual occurance and I would hate for this to happen to anyone.

Many happy days ahead for you (and less sleep lol) I don't know how far along you are but I always felt the healthiest when I was. btw I had all 3 of mine "natural" and it was no big whoop. Yeah it hurt like a biotch but nothing I couldn't handle, but we're all different.

God bless and keep you and you and your child,


p.s. I hope you take this in the spirit it is meant
Jen, i appreciate what you wrote. I'm sorry you had to go through that. That's got to be really hard. I have heard of a few people who have had that happened, wich is why i haven't made up my mind yet. I only have three weeks left ( so basically i guess it can be any day) so really more anxious than anything. I think for sure if i made it through ct detox i can make it through child birth ! Thanks again! Pants