my finace doesnt do heroin anymore. he is on suboxone now.
now he is addicted to crack. hes tryin to kick it but i dont know what to believe anymore. why one to another?
Spinning, your fianc probably has underlying issues that give him these addictive tendencies. Sub or Bupe can help soothe him as he comes off it, but you really should get him into counseling of some sort. It can help him understand why he has these tendencies and what steps he can take to avoid just going from one substance to another. I think too many people want to rely on pills to cure their addiction and it is the brain that has been overpowered by this garbage and it needs to be retrained on how to live without drugs. Find an NA meeting in your area and go and just talk to them. All of them have been where you are now and they can talk to you and give you ideas on how to solve your problem. Good luck to you and your fianc.