Advice Needed, Sister Just Confessed

I hope this is OK. I am not sure where to begin - so I started searching the web. My sister just confessed that she has been addicted to pain pills for about a year. She takes up to 10/day. She is also a very heavy drinker and pot smoker. I am so concerned for her life and dont know what to do. I have been praying alot, but feel a real sense of urgency. Can any of you just offer some wisdom? She has children, and I am concerned on the impact of seeing mom go thru withdrawls. What would it be like? Is it better to recommend inpatient treatment?
I am scared for her. Thanks for your time to help me with this.
First of all your sister needs to want to get clean before anything can be done. If she doesn't you are just spinning your wheels. And if she doesn't want to - all you can do is be there for her children and try to protect them. Is she marrried? If so you can try to convince her to confess to her husband so he can help her too. I am trying to find a way to get off pain pills right now so maybe I shouldn't be speaking.
Always-You KEEP speaking, because you know you have a problem, as we all do, and everyone offers really good insight. So don't feel like you shouldn't offer an opinion..all are welcome..
Always pain is right your sister has to want to get clean or it will not work. It has to be her asking for help....hitting her bottom. Now having said that you asked about withdrawl, everyone is different. Pot is probably do able at home.....most pain pills are too (didn't put what she takes) The heavy drinking is a no no. No one should ever stop drinking without the help of a doctor. You could jump over to the alcohol forum and ask about the drinking part. You need to see if she is ready now for help......the combination of alcohol and pain pills is really bad for you liver because some pills have tylenol in them.
I hope this helps some.........

Always pain your advice was will find your way out of the mess you are in.......don't give up on yourself!
Shan, i know how hard and confussing this must be for you. I can even begin to understand what your thinking in your head about this. I finally told my fiancee that i have been addicted to vicodin for about a year and asked him for help and he accepted me with open arms. I tried to go through the withdrawls and it was to hard for me to go cold turkey on them. I have 2 kids also and it was horrible to get dinner made and homework done and baths and bed time. But i finally asked for help, and i think that it was a big step for me. I had to take 25-30 pills a day to make myself funtion and i was starting to drive me crazy. Not to mention the finansual strain it was putting on the family. His advise to you is this..... accept them with open arms and respect them for coming to you with that problom and being able to have the courage to come clean about the problom with you. Offer the help that they might need and offer help with the kids if they need it(whitch they will in the end).
Let me know if you hae any more questions. Were here to help.

Your FRIEND, Christina.