Brother is a addict. Pretty positive its crack among others. For the first time he is out of money. No job. Thought he was going to get a loan from me. Now he's panicked, and called me several times yesterday. What's next, and what do I do??? Thanks for anyone's help.
It depends on how bad the rocks got him. Some ppl can't control themselves. 1 of my best friends smokes (I sniff) and he stole from me, his family and he's like a brother 2 me. As soon as he gets his check, its gone! Hopefully he has some self control and limits. GL
Big Heart,
Theere is nothing you can do. Your brother has to want do for himself. Sometimes it takes hitting bottom for an addict too get help. You can't make him do anything. If you continue to give him money you are only enabeling him. The best thing you can do foor him is take care of yourself, go to a nar-anon meeting you will meet some pretty amazing peoople who will help you deal better. My husband is a crack addict, it has been 2 weeks since I found out. I suspected he was up to something, but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. He was neever around for me or our babies, I drew a line in the sand and told him if he crossed it he was out. Guess what he crossed it and I kicked him out. I am by no means financially independent of my husband so the thought of doing this alone scared me to death. Anyway that was my husbands bottom, he is in rehab and we are learning to deal with his addiction. I hope this was a little helpful, I have found such comfoort and guidance in this board, I hope you will post again and let us know how it goes for you
Theere is nothing you can do. Your brother has to want do for himself. Sometimes it takes hitting bottom for an addict too get help. You can't make him do anything. If you continue to give him money you are only enabeling him. The best thing you can do foor him is take care of yourself, go to a nar-anon meeting you will meet some pretty amazing peoople who will help you deal better. My husband is a crack addict, it has been 2 weeks since I found out. I suspected he was up to something, but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. He was neever around for me or our babies, I drew a line in the sand and told him if he crossed it he was out. Guess what he crossed it and I kicked him out. I am by no means financially independent of my husband so the thought of doing this alone scared me to death. Anyway that was my husbands bottom, he is in rehab and we are learning to deal with his addiction. I hope this was a little helpful, I have found such comfoort and guidance in this board, I hope you will post again and let us know how it goes for you
You can only be there for your brother when he is ready to quit. Please do not give him any money - he'll just buy drugs with it. If I were in your shoes I would distance myself from him while he is in the active use phase of his addiction. There is nothing you can do for him until he wants help.
Good Luck
Lisa V.
Good Luck
Lisa V.