Hi to all,
My problem is that my little brother is an alcoholic and won't admit that he needs help. I am having a real hard time with this as I have been through this before with my other brother and I don't want to see my little brother go through the same thing. He just got divorced from his wife, who left because of the alcohol, and he also has a 2 yo daughter. His ex lives with a guy that kicks her and the child out whenever he feels like it and my lb just doesn't care. He was raised in a family that wasn't perfect but we always cared and loved our children. I just don't understand where he is coming from. We work for the family business and it is really putting a strain on everyone that works there. He has major attitude problems which he blames on everyone else. I know that there is nothing I can do until he admits he needs help I am just really worried because he has threatened suicide before. I worry for his child. I just pray that some day in the near future he sees the light but I am afraid that it is going to take something major before he realizes it. My other brother was facing prison time before he woke up. He is now doing excellent with a good career and wife and two kids. I helped him beat his demons but I just don't know if I have the strength to go through it again. Thanks for listening to me vent.
Hello, first of all let me say, I'm glad you're trying to find answers, not only here, but I'm sure you're thinking withing yourself too to find out what to do!
My mom is an alcholic..and although I'm only 19 years old, I can only tell you one piece of advice- you can't stop them, you can't make them stop, you can only pray and support their best efforts to be and stay clean. They have to want to stop. That's all I know to say..let them know how much they're loved and pray and help them in every way possible...It's hard, but it's worth it too :)
Goodnight and I wish you the best of luck! I'd love to hear from you and keep me updated on how things go and waht you decide to do.
My mom is an alcholic..and although I'm only 19 years old, I can only tell you one piece of advice- you can't stop them, you can't make them stop, you can only pray and support their best efforts to be and stay clean. They have to want to stop. That's all I know to say..let them know how much they're loved and pray and help them in every way possible...It's hard, but it's worth it too :)
Goodnight and I wish you the best of luck! I'd love to hear from you and keep me updated on how things go and waht you decide to do.
Join the club... I also have sevral alcoholic siblings that don't believe that they have any type of problems at all and on top of that they are substance abusers. When they ask me what I think of their situation I am straight forward with them and then I am the bad guy because I tell them they need to seek help. Not only for themselves but for their children... I study Psychology as a major in college hoping that some day i can help children with parents like my own family... But, if they don't believe they had a problem with substance abuse you can either ignore it and cut ties or think of the children involved and let the law control the situation. I know that this will cause much conflict between siblings but it all boils down to what is best for the children not the parents especially when they don't want to seek help.