i live in michigan and a friend of mine is moving to canada, i have a question about canadian health care, can you email me at naturesprincess@yahoo.com if not i understand, thank you
where'd ya go girl friend?
...alright sweetheart....got ya email.and that..thanx...you feeling good today....ahh terrianne last night i had serious trouble sleeping mate...i didnt go bed till just gone 6am..my time...woke up 1pm....lucky charleys still at his nans...don,t know weather to go chemist to get s/thing for tonight..just in case..?...you doing anthing today ?...see ya when i see ya..robbie....
you didnt get my email ? i thought i emailed you last night while i was up insomniacking. let me know. whats up with us, we both have sons names charley. we bot had insomnia, we both are into football. and i think there was something else. i am forgetful, blame it on the drugs killing my brain sells. yeah i did email you explaining a.d.d did you get it?
you didnt get my email ? i thought i emailed you last night while i was up insomniacking. let me know. whats up with us, we both have sons names charley. we bot had insomnia, we both are into football. and i think there was something else. i am forgetful, blame it on the drugs killing my brain sells. yeah i did email you explaining a.d.d did you get it?
...hahaha...thats wot i said...thanx for the email.?...you had enough sleep?.lol....i know its mental how people meet and have things in common....and you thought i was having a go at ya.to begin with...we might not of spoke otherwise.?....haha....mad world a....robbie
i so believe in that as well, people meet for a reason a season or a lifetime. i definately feel the connection and not in that love connection people hehehe a spiritual one and i think its a very cool thing. besides you are way on the other side of the world, even though you like the states football even if it is my rival, aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggg hehehehe thats ok they both suck anyway. i cant even watch my team play, they nauseate me. but i love a good superbowl party and it should be a good one since its played at our home stadium. we can have a tailgate party hehehe HELL NAW it will be freezing here. i will be going to a home party with lotsa good eaten. do you guys get the superbowl over there too?
i so believe in that as well, people meet for a reason a season or a lifetime. i definately feel the connection and not in that love connection people hehehe a spiritual one and i think its a very cool thing. besides you are way on the other side of the world, even though you like the states football even if it is my rival, aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggg hehehehe thats ok they both suck anyway. i cant even watch my team play, they nauseate me. but i love a good superbowl party and it should be a good one since its played at our home stadium. we can have a tailgate party hehehe HELL NAW it will be freezing here. i will be going to a home party with lotsa good eaten. do you guys get the superbowl over there too?
...yes of course of course..hahaha....i know what your saying..?..i can get attracted to people though without falling for them. if you know what i mean...i suppose its like when your a young kid..just meeting someone new for the first time at school or s/thing..and you end uep becoming best of friends...you know..?..when the weekend comes..you ring your friend..first thing sat morn..and head off down the candyshop together...telling each other what so and so done at school...and laughing about it....you know wot im saying terrianne?...nothing wrong with a bit of cross atlantic waffle though...lol..haha.!!.....yeah we get the superbowl over here .its on all through the night.....24..32...24...hut..hut..hut...and all that milarky.....yeah i feel some sort of connection..with ya,?,..thats probably why we were talking for a while yesterday...it just happens...im a strong believer in fate.....and roger the dodger made that connection for us..lol.?..terrianne i get on well with women..weather im attracted to them or not..i just like the warmth to that females show...??but im 100% male if ya see wot im saying.???...hahaha....robbie....
i know what you mean i get along better with men, low drama ya know what i'm sayin? i know what you mean about school friends i am 36 and my bestfriend and i have been friends since preschool 34 years. we even have a telepathic connection at times, its very cool. i have other friends i just "connect" with. but i never connected with my ex husband lol imagine that! thats very cool you get the superbowl over there. we can watch it together. hopefully we root for the same team or i'll have to hurt ya :-P i'll have to send you some pictures of my family when i get around to it, i am such a procrastenator. but i will. i promise. oh and yeah thanks rodger dodger hehehe its always cool to make friends like you : ) your right we do talk alot!! just like a woman hehehe joking.my bestfriend and i call friends that are guys that can hang with us "girlfriends" no offense its a good thing if you can hang. we love guys like you. well not love love ya know we dont want anyone getting any ideas hahaha your the bomb robster!
i know what you mean i get along better with men, low drama ya know what i'm sayin? i know what you mean about school friends i am 36 and my bestfriend and i have been friends since preschool 34 years. we even have a telepathic connection at times, its very cool. i have other friends i just "connect" with. but i never connected with my ex husband lol imagine that! thats very cool you get the superbowl over there. we can watch it together. hopefully we root for the same team or i'll have to hurt ya :-P i'll have to send you some pictures of my family when i get around to it, i am such a procrastenator. but i will. i promise. oh and yeah thanks rodger dodger hehehe its always cool to make friends like you : ) your right we do talk alot!! just like a woman hehehe joking.my bestfriend and i call friends that are guys that can hang with us "girlfriends" no offense its a good thing if you can hang. we love guys like you. well not love love ya know we dont want anyone getting any ideas hahaha your the bomb robster!
...tels..im normally on the heroin site..when ya fancy a chat mate..yeah as i said..i like womens company aswell..i think i get it from the way my mum brought me up...?...always treat women with respect and that...i think all men like attention from women as well..some just don,t admit to it...(not saying im talking to you just for my own attention) your sweet as a nut to talk to.i enjoy talking to ya.....im just saying .!!!.wot are you up to today....man its 7pm here..times flying by in it....don,t you get no english football on your t.v.channels...you,ve got about 50 million channels over there int ya..?...if ya do...you gotta start supporting chelsea tels...they play in blue......so once a blue always a blue is my motto..haha....gis a shout if ya wanna talk.....take care girl....robbie..x..
yeah robbie,
arent we a couple feisty cusses, hey when you are askin for it, you get it. i call those people f-tards hehehe, they should know better!!!! dont ya think? its just all sick and wrong!! ok enough of that, yeah i am a spunky one. i am home alone today, my kids are with thier dad, waaaaaaaaaaaa hoooooooo, my son went ice fishing and my daughter is shopping. so i am just playing on line and talking on the phone, multitasking :) yeah you either love me or hate me. ask me if i care lol just joking hehe, i know i am hated by some on here,but whatever. cant like em all huh and i am so not offended and could care less, i have many friends who care and love for me and thats all that matters, you being one of them : ) yeah i am having qa fantabulous day, i hope you and your angel are as well
arent we a couple feisty cusses, hey when you are askin for it, you get it. i call those people f-tards hehehe, they should know better!!!! dont ya think? its just all sick and wrong!! ok enough of that, yeah i am a spunky one. i am home alone today, my kids are with thier dad, waaaaaaaaaaaa hoooooooo, my son went ice fishing and my daughter is shopping. so i am just playing on line and talking on the phone, multitasking :) yeah you either love me or hate me. ask me if i care lol just joking hehe, i know i am hated by some on here,but whatever. cant like em all huh and i am so not offended and could care less, i have many friends who care and love for me and thats all that matters, you being one of them : ) yeah i am having qa fantabulous day, i hope you and your angel are as well
Hey Boo,
will email you later today am on way out the door..
check your email this afternoon, around 5 my time...
will be glad to answer anything i can
will email you later today am on way out the door..
check your email this afternoon, around 5 my time...
will be glad to answer anything i can
Ali, email me or call me..k?