Am I Asking For Too Much?

To make a long story short my daughter's father is an active user in denial. After repeated attempts to help him and constant refusals and an accidental overdose.....I got out... For my families sake it went to far and I couldn't live his addiction (especcially because he didn't have one)...It may sound cold and heartless and you may think How can you just turn your back on the one you love. The way I see it I turned my back on HEROIN and since he ws in total denial and only admitted it less than 1 yr ago while lying in the er from an overdose.. which was only a one time use since 1993--- so he says. But I went on my own to meetings gathering insight for Heroin I knew nothing about--all the lies over the years it was him using all the time. The money/ the moodswings/ oh worst yet the vomitting-- why would any one want to subject themselves to that alone I may never understand. After 5 months of morning sickness I don't even want to be pregnant again. But the icing on the cake well was the drugs in my daughters closet that was 3/29 and 3/29 I told him to leave. She was 18 months old crawling and she could have found them. But he will never stop using, I truely believe that, he has been using "recreationally" for 20+ years I find out after from his sister and family. I do not even want him around us...I am contemplating going to court and seeking sole custody with no visitation--but am I being fair to my daughter? I am a firm believer that no example is better than a bad example. AM I ASKING FOR TO MUCH?
I understand your pain. My sister of 18 is addicted to heroin and now Methadone. And you are right, parents sets examples. DO not let him see her unsupervised, or high! If he can not straighten up one hour to see his child then that is his loss. But if he can, let him ! It is his child also. But as a child of an alcoholic also, I would have rather of not seen her when she was drunk. Sober I could tolerate, but she never was. Follow your gut. You know what you feel comfortable doing, and that is your best indicator. Best Of luck .
Rosie thankyou for your insight, well we have a scheduled visit Saturday at the local library. I pray all goes well but I have nothing to say to him. Christmas day he came to the house I don't believe I said 10 words to him. I figure hes here to spend time with the kids I dn't have to talk to him. Again thanks and best of luck with your situaton I know it never gets easy.