I have heard so many different things about crack and casual sex. My husband assures me that he has never had sex or anything even close to it with anyone else. He says he gets offers everynight for what I call crackwhores who will apparently do anything for it. He says he has no sex drive while he is on it. But his credit card bills are filled with numerous, costly, 900 numbers along with hotel rooms. Which he has every excuse in the book for. And the night he left in the middle of the night last week...I noticed the next day that in the bed of my truck, carpet padding was laid out and a comforter. He said it just came from helping out a friend get rid of some stuff......Does that sound funny or am I paranoid or just stupid to believe it. Anyone, please,,,, In my heart I want to believe him, but like I said I dont want to be an idiot either. Thank you for anyone that can help me out with an answer to this. My prayers are with everyone........
My question to you is this, would it make a difference if he was having sex with these other women? I mean will that change your feelings toward him? YOu know he is on drugs right? If he will lie to you about one thing to keep from getting caught or in trouble he will surely lie to you about this also. You need to decide where you want to be. either gone or beside him fighting this fight with him. take care and good luck
My question is why would he be going to a hotel. When my ex used to do coke he turned into a weirdo. Always coming on to girls. He was always in the mood but could never come. Leaving in the middle of the night??? Yes that does sound weird. Believe me i know how you feel. But the best advice i can give you is trust your women intuition. I mean that it's always right.good luck and keep us posted.