Am I Weak??? I Gave In!

hello to all of you fine folks(excluding a certain fruit)
who gave me pointers on going cold turkey withdrawals form lortab.
i am sadly writing to tell you that i failed MYSELF, and yes, i do feel somewhat guilty.
after 4 days of pure hell for me, i gave in and refilled my prescription for lortab.
now, i fell normal.
i have thought about tapering off them, but i don't know if this is right thing for me to do. you see i truly have chronic pain, car accident in 1998
broke back in 2 places and had neck surgery and 3 operations on my right knee
so ,i honestly need the meds. to control my pain
so am i an ADDICT?????
i wanted to quit the meds., because in my head i was thinking that i am an addict, but now i don't know, so are we all addicts or not??
crazy HUH?
anyhow thanks to everyone for all your advice during those awful days and if i do decide to try this again i will post and get your wonderful advise
god bles everyone of you

and to a certain fruit if you are reading my remarks, in your own words

never argue with an idiot, she'll bring you down to her level and beat you with experiennce BUT K-WI, not this time your remarks to sunshine was cruel and unusal treatment
If you are weak so am I. I hate feeling so bad, but I also hate knowing why I feel so bad. Does that make sence? I also got more pills yesterday and I also have a refill on my bottle for next week and I know I will refill it. Who am I kidding? I guess I am just hoping that someone can get through to me because I sure can't get through to myself. Don't feel bad ok. Just know that you are not alone and that there are alot of us out there and I don't think it is a matter of being weak or not.
isn't it funny kymissy, that us KENTUCKY girls stick together and support each other
we will beat this drug thing if we want too
I also have chronic pain (fibromyalgia) and yes you can become addicted to pain pills. I now live through my flares and everyday pain without the pain pill, so it can be done. It's not easy, but unfortunately, I screwed myself and can no longer get them or want to go back to that place again. Yes, do I want them when I'm in horrible pain, of course, but I just live through it. So you can do it. And yes, don't beat yourself up.
Hey Peace - have you been to see a pain specilaist or similar to manage the pain you live with?

Missy - addiction to pills has nothing to do with being weak, strong, etc. Addiction knows no bounds. These pills have kicked my a$$ so bad, I finally stopped earlier this year because like they say "I got sick and tired of being sick and tired". The pain associated with the pills was greater than without. Simple as that.

Good luck to both of you!

Hi Peacefully. I used to take pain pills for pain...but then I became addicted to them. So I know how you feel. But I had my pain corrected surgically. Now I just take them because I am an addict. Anyways, there are lots of people on here who have chronic pain so hopefully they will come along soon to offer you some advice. Some still take pain meds AS NEEDED. Some have had to find other ways to deal with their pain. At the very least, you know you are physically dependent on them or else you wouldn't have experienced withdrawal symptoms. If you are truly psychologically addicted, then it could be your disease talking to you (saying maybe I really am not an addict). Denial is the first symptom of the disease. And it is NOT that you are weak! If you are indeed an addict, you are sick...not weak. Only you can truly know in your heart if you are addicted. I hope you can find some peace within yourself. And I feel for the fact that you have to live with chronic pain. I hope I didn't come across as harsh or mean. I only have good intentions and sometimes it's hard to convey what you are trying to say thru typing. Like I said, I'm not in your shoes with chronic pain anymore...hopefully others will be along soon that know more than lil ole me! :-) Take care and I wish you the best!

Peacefully-No,I do not believe you are an addict if you become dependent on your pain meds.Opiates are addictive substances.Mother Theresa would have gotten strung out if she would have taken them long enough.
Addicts are seeking out the high or buzz and normally instead of taking 6-8 a day they are ingesting mass quanities to continue to get off.Its drug seeking behaviour that usually seperates the two.
I am an opiate addict who was taking them to get high.I didnt even have pain issues.I also have a propensity to alcoholism,sex addiction,etc.I include alcohol as an addictive drug and steer clear of it.
Opiates are still the most effective medications for pain.If taken as directed,that is what they normally do.
You have just become dependent on them with an escalating tolerance.You have the type of personality that probably could taper off of them successfuly when you are able to.
It doesnt sound like you can now so dont feel guilty.You need them.
Also dont buy into that just because you have become dependent you are this drug addict.Go easy on yourself and treat your pain.Please dont suffer unnecessarily.
Hey peace...just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts :) Hang in there. We can't give up on ourselves just because we gave in. Let's try again. And don't worry about any rude comments. I just feel like people that intentionally hurt and judge need more help and understanding than anyone. Besides, I doubt they would be on this board if they were "perfect".
hello peace -

there seems to be some confusion in your thoughts about whether or not you are an addict. i do believe that there are people who are physically addicted without the mental component of this disease. below are posted two definitions that might help you in determining whether or not you are an addict. the first is from NA, the seconds from PA.

i hope this helps.

hugs -



from NA basic text - who is an addict?

Most of us do not have to think twice about this question. WE KNOW! Our whole life and thinking was centered in drugs in one form or another, the getting and using and finding ways and means to get more. We lived to use and used to live. Very simply, an addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs. We are people in the grip of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always the same: jails, institutions and death.


from PA - 20 questions

If you are unsure whether you or someone you know has a problem with prescription drugs, here are 20 questions that can help you become clearer about whether or not youd benefit from help:

1. Has your doctor, spouse or anyone else expressed concern about your use of medications?

2. Have you ever decided to stop taking pills only to find yourself taking them again contrary to your previous decision?

3. Have you ever felt remorse or concern about taking pills?

4. Has your efficiency or ambition decreased since taking pills?

5. Have you established a supply for purse or pocket or to hide away in case of emergency?

6. Have you ever been treated by a physician or hospital for excessive use of pills (whether or not in combination with other substances)?

7. Have you changed doctors or drug stores for the purpose of maintaining your supply?

8. Have you received the same pill from two or more physicians or druggists at approximately the same time?

9. Have you ever been turned down for a refill?

10. Have you taken the same mind- or mood-affecting medication for over a year only to find you still have the same symptoms?

11. Have you ever informed your physician as to which pill works best at
which dosage and had him adjust the prescription to your recommendations?

12. Have you used a tranquilizer or a sleep medication for a period of months or years with no improvement in the problem?

13. Have you increased the dosage, strength or frequency of your medication over the past months or years?

14. Is your medication quite important to you; e.g., do you worry about refills long before running out?

15. Do you become annoyed or uncomfortable when others talk about your use of medications?

16. Have you or anyone else noticed a change of personality when you take your medication, or when you stop taking it?

17. Have you ever taken your medication before you had the associated symptom?

18. Have you ever been embarrassed by your behavior when under the influence of your prescription drug?

19. Do you ever sneak or hide your pills?

20. Do you find it impossible to stop or to go for a prolonged period without your pills?

(Reprinted and slightly adapted from "There's More to Quitting Drinking than Quitting Drinking" by Dr. Paul O.)

If you have answered YES to three or more or these questions, you may be at serious risk of having a problem. The good news is that treatment is available.

As I said before, I'm in continuous pain (fibromyalgia) and I could answer yes to about all those questions. Yes, I started taking them as ordered but kept increasing as they stopped working so I got up to 20 a day, but my therapist tells me and I believe it also that I was taking them to forget at 46, I was diagnosed with a disease they can do nothing about. So, now I just deal with it because I don't trust myself and I also don't want to go through that again. When I'm really bad, I ask myself why can't I have just a couple to be able to walk to the bathroom without help, but I'm scared those 2 would lead to more and more.
Peacefully, if you are taking them as your Dr. has prescribed then no your not an addict, but you are dependant. I became an addict, so don't do what I have done.