So good to hear you are doing good. I am very sorry you had to go through this. Sometimes things like this will not stop you for more than a few months and the w/d can get much worse. Eventually the weaker paain pills will quit woking and you could move on to sell your soul to methadone and heroin. I did and i am around your age and come from a good family. This disease WILL NOT discriminate! Please seek help, AA/NA, proffessional counciling. Its not worth flirting with death. If you do great, but willpower will not keep u clean forever neither will death i know, ive been able to screw up regarless. You are clean and trying for another child. Thats great i hope you have as many to come. Glad to hear things are going good. I am happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the kind words.. I am still very slippery if you know what I mean. I cant help but think that maybe the terrible withdrawals made me miscarry. That is what is helping me keep from going back there so when i do get prego, i will not have to deal with the withdrawals.
My husband still does not have a clue. Well, I think he has a clue but he says nothing. I just wish that I had the ambition I did before the pills and after the pills. If I take a pill, I can do anything. So calm, relaxed. No pill=no moptivation to do anything except sleep or watch TV
I am surprised anyone even remembered me. I think I am going to use this as my diary so that I can write to relieve but also get opinioins as well.
Lets see, Day one with no pain pill. Lets see how many we can go! (I have taken a lorazepan for anxiety)
My husband still does not have a clue. Well, I think he has a clue but he says nothing. I just wish that I had the ambition I did before the pills and after the pills. If I take a pill, I can do anything. So calm, relaxed. No pill=no moptivation to do anything except sleep or watch TV
I am surprised anyone even remembered me. I think I am going to use this as my diary so that I can write to relieve but also get opinioins as well.
Lets see, Day one with no pain pill. Lets see how many we can go! (I have taken a lorazepan for anxiety)
Dont hold back on getting help- just because you dont want people to know. If you need ativan for anxiety then take it as perscribed. I on the other hand drove lorazapam, alporalazam, diazapam, and any other pam i coulod into the ground and the withdraw from benzo's are also horrific. Never thought it would be,but it is. It is not a weakness to ask for help. This monster is nothing to f*** with. Im ussually on here 2 times a day and will always respond if you need to talk. Good luck. Consider help your only human.