An Important Factor In Being A Good Counseor, Spon

I think one key factor in being a good drug counselor or any kind of counselor, sponser, social worker, teacher, religious leader,etc. is this:

THEY GAIN AN INTERNAL UNDERSTANDING That this is not about them, it is about those they are trying to counsel. Once a person truly understands and practices this and realizes that they do have the gift or whatever to really help people and make the patients or counseled their prioity, they not only become genuinely effective, they are self rewarded more then they could ever be by following self ambition and making themselves the center of this world. Instead of respect based on position and what others think and a sense of power, they receive honest respect from themselves and others. Their abilities increase, and their desire to improve themselves to help their patients increases. Probably their financial status increases and their love and value to themselves increase.

By being genuinely altruistic, they earn more then selfishness could ever get them. Perhaps even God gives them a nice little pat on the back and says good job, well done.

Just a thought.
I agree. I have a counselour who I think is great. I told him that he must go insane listening to peoples problems all day long. He said that he enjoys helping people find a piece to help them solve their puzzles. He's one that I pop in on from time to time. He never fails to help me sort out my concerns.
Alice, I am glad for you. A counselor does not always have to be a 'good' counselor to help, but a good counselor always does help, I think. I imagine it is not easy to be such a selfless person, but I do think they turn out to be the wealthiest of all people in real ways.

Believe it or not, I once started on the path of becoming a drug counselor---I mean it seemed like a good idea at the time, because one thing I sure knew was addiction. Who knows why or if it had anything to do with counseling, but less then 2 months into the classes I went into a complete , big time , relapse.

Maybe it was just a matter of sabotage, because I look back and it seemed as though I finally had worked out a way for a good future, my life was in control, and the impossible started seeming possible. Who knows.

But I am glad for you.