'morning Beaners : )....

hey all any beaners lurking? i dont wanna be a downer this weeks a rough one for me been up for a couple nights now so whos's out there i can rip on or can rip on me back heheheh lets get this beaner party rolling. i found molly's cd's ..kaoreoke anyone? or some good funny ha ha's would be super welcomed.

bring on the funnies.....

i'm a beaner youra a beaner....what can we rhyme with beaner....


i'm a feiner your a fiener but we're to smart for that so instead we're beaners.....

ooooooooo sing it again .....

ok you guys whats up do i stink? sorry bout that, i have to buy new deorderant today. i swear i'll do that, for real hehehe


I am up but running slow this morning........and multi tasking.....
Terri, Misty, (((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))), how are you today? I think Terri is getting goofy from lack of sleep!! Waiting on my coffee to kick in, and downloading some music today! I just can't let go of the 80's, Love, Kim

us chicks are expert multitaskers (btw according to tom that is sooooooooo 90's) but so what he's just jelous, he hasnt figured out how to make the most of his time. : ) what time do you get your kids off to school? my daughter gets up at 6 am and is to school by 7-ish my son gets up at 8 and is to school by 9 so i get an hour breather. besides my daughter is 14 i dont have to do anything but keep her company while she gets ready (bonus) but 6 sure is early especially if she's pms-ing!!

kim, kim , kim,

what are we gonna do with you. 80's??? ok i admint i am an 80's chick, and i do like very lil 80's stuff. thank god my bro and sister were more 70's. i never could tolorate the 80's for some reason. branch out a bit, try some nirvana and maybe some kid rock or snoop dog. do you have kids? kids help in the updating dept.

I am fine today.......

Mine are all out the door to school by 7:30......

Kim You gotta get out of the 80's, what you downloading, hopefully rock and roll......Although I love classic rock, there are some real good bands that have come out in the last few years.......

true, if its a metal ballad from a big hair band then i'll cut her some slack. omg i admit having bug hair and spandex with the flash dance sweater and leg warmers (holds head down in shame) but i was cool at the time anyway. i gauged my hair cut by when the top hit the roof of my car (no lie) lol

wow 7:30 how nice. i still have a few more yrs till that happens when my son hits middle school.till then enjoy the next couple months while till summer vacation : ) actually its no biggy now that mine are older they are never home.

Well, Let's see, my 14 year old, Danny is out the door by 6:45, then AnneMarie, Becca and Ricky catch the bus about 8:15..then peace and quiet!! Except for all the animals, 1 Dog, 7 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and one fish! I amd downloading Def Leppard, and Motley Crue ;-)
Terri, I actually like Kid rock, and let's see, from my kiddies..Usher, Justin Timberlake (who is a cutie pie), and I like Coolio! I think I'm a pretty hip chick, but I love the 80's it was just a happy time!
Terri, I had the flashdance shirt..hanging off the shoulder!! hahaha, and leg warmers, OMG this is so funny!
I love when they are here.....just as long as they let me use MY computer......I think I am getting myself a new one with the money I save from not smoking......
I want a laptop, so I can crash anywhere and use it.......they Bad may get on more when he has time....

Molly, I know you are lurking, you got your aim up, put me in and say hello, I will turn it on...... rtrka If you are on msn I will email that one out....let me know!

justin timber lake omg lol you can do better then that, but def leppard and motley crue is ok, you are excused. my son even likes them and van halen . i am tryen to get him to learn stair way to heavan though on his guitar. he plays awesome guitar and is self taught he can listen to a song and figure it out. but he thinks stairway to heaven is country lol i am still teaching him heheh he likes alice cooper, acdc and queen though. dont ask me where he gets it from, maybe his dad. it sure isnt me. yeah kim i even had the flock of seguls hair style and the one where it was short on one side and long on the other hahahaha and the fry died perm (even though i have naturally curly hair) it had to be fried or it wasnt cool. oh and socks up over the bottom pant legs

MJ, if you're on..I miss ya,!!!! MJ is officially the Gorton's fisherman ;-)
Wow Terri, your son sure has talent, if he can play guitar..self taught even...my fiancee plays but he is definetly not self taught! I think everyone in my school had the flock of seagulls hair, I had the Bon Jovi hair!!! And I still put socks over my pants when I am relaxing...we are retarted! LMAO
LMAO Kim......
See if you can get some seether, shindown, fuel, godsmack, come on take a chance......Shinedown is awesome.....Break into the now......and the sock thing over you pants boy that tripped a memory of days gone by.....


ahhahahah i was most famous for my bon jovi hair by far. i just cant do the socks over the pants thing anymore. i got comfy with the low rise waist. took me a while but now i cant where those gap reverse fits lol my daughter would make fun of me for how high my pants went up!! lol oh and remember the guys had long feathered hair or the mullet or that rat tail and even more special a braided rat tail?!!?!!?! it even took me a long time to get used to flat straight hair. yeah 80's were a fun time though i admit. oooooooooo remember the ball breaker johnnies with the glow in the dark sticth? Thats what we called those super skin tight jeans with the neon stitching and design on pocket, like jordache and gloria vanderbuitly lol omg and parachute pants (that mighta been late late 80's early 90's though)

Good Morning Everyone,

The 80's were a lot of fun. Best times of my life.

Misty I really like Godsmack...I love the drums in Voodoo..I will check out the others too!
This is a little off topic (if there actually is one) but I know some of you know alot about hair. Some of my friends smoke and I have been banned from washing my hair except for every other day WHICH I HATE. But to keep the dryness out, I must.

Is there a product that removes smoke from your hair? Like a neutrilizer?

Can't stand the thought I may smell like an ashtray.
Kim go here www.shinedown.com and listen to Fly from Inside

Godsmack rocks....I love Touche

Morning Liz,
So how are things with you. I know that you have been through hell in the last few weeks. Are you finding any glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for you. Are you feeling inside that there is hope. At times you seem as if you just want to give up on it all.........Please don't for you, just keep fighting the b*lls*** and tearing down those walls that keep popping up......Oh and remember not to be building any of those walls yourself, how easy that is in the bad.....
I got some hugs coming your way......
