"interview With God" Link


He is Love
He is peace
He knows all
He is a restorer
He is a peacemaker
His name is above all others
He is the strongest man to ever walk the earth
I am weak but he is strong
He knows both the good and bad in my heart
He sees every tear I shed and every beer I drink and every pill I take
I can decieve others and myself but I can not decieve him
He can make ALL things work for good for those that love him

"I pray he makes me happy with being Sober"

Wow Jake,,,,,,that's very nice! Did you write it?

I hope you are happy sober, too. Bet cha will be!
Jake...Thanks so much for that link..."the interview with god". I love it...

That is a beautiful site. Thank you so much for posting it......
The words you left are powerful too, make sure you keep them close to your heart.........
Thank you for that link. How easy it is to forget; thanks for the reminder of is what really important.
One of the important things this disease has taught me is NEVER LOSE YOUR GRATITUDE..