"she Said"

She said NO he said oh but i said and then you said NO i said this and you said that.
Go see if you understand this post more then some of late. Why is life such a bi...?
Well not for me its not i dont care what anyone says or incinuates infact its great intertainment at times, there should be a clause in the rules NO ATTATCHMENT. ive seen it so many times where people are so desparate to belong that they tell all their private details to a few and it ends up biting their bum. This is the internet its a playground and ive refused to play any kind of game. Actually its worse then that if you think about it, newbies come in here weak and destrort what do they find oh yes lots of encouragement to start with then the 12 step programme is shoved down their face of how good it is etc well thats a matter of opinion. Or they get built up only to be put down again. There are very few people on here now who can give valid impartial advice. Some of you people have no idea about how to deal with your own emotions let alone someone elses. oh im enjoying my rant does ya good at times, well it does me. So to any newbies looking in if this is your only means of support then i suggest you get a back up plan cus your going to need it.

Hey Jaxx,

I've never posted to you before but I just had to today. I know you're sincere and I don't mean to make light of your "Rant" but it just tickled me. You're absolutely right. This place was a God-send to me when I was hurting and confused. I was naiive enough to hang on every word of advice simply because these were people who'd gone before me on the road of addiction and recovery. I am truly grateful for the support I've gotten here but I no longer rely solely on this medium to get me where I need to be. The road to recovery is as individual as the people who walk it and I only hope that our hearts and minds are open enough to respect and support the path of our fellow addict. Anyway, I wanted to pop in and let you know I, as a relatively new "Newbie", appreciate your message. Hope you're out enjoying your day!

You are right, Jax.

I don't think those that scream the 12 steps go to meetings, anyway. They sure dont' behave like it!

You have a great day!

Callie...youve come so far and your wisdom is amazing. You're right, this isn't the only place we can find support but it sure is a great place to kickstart your road to recovery. Unfortunately, some are just stuck. They'll either get there, or they'll die trying.
my turn to rant...I know I probably shouldn't but oh well here goes....

I can only speak for myself, but coming here really was what got me to do things differently...get out of my own way....quit driving my own bus....all the cheesy cliches that are thrown around. But you know what? Its this place and the people here that got me off my pity pot.

And this whole crap of 2 sides is just stupid. It seems to me at least that people are under the assumption that a certain someone is the ring leader here. Well my oh my that ring leader must be GOOD, cause the people that are supposedly under the spell are level headed intelligent people that can do their own thinking, thank you very much.

Sometimes I sit on my hands over here, I just want to jump in and scream at the inuendos being thrown. And then I realize its just not worth it. Not for this little lady anyways. If its worth it to you, more power to you. I look at Kat in awe of her grace and the way she handles herself.

Like Callie said, respect. Simple enough.
Hey Redd its feels good to rant eh lmao.

Yes Jax, sometimes its good to get a load off.

healthy even.

Hey Lisa!

Glad to see you're still hangin' in! Thanks for the compliments. I still come here most every day but, fortunately, the place I'm at now is much less critical than it was a couple of months ago. After a brief lapse in treatment (and a consequential relapse), I'm back on Sub. It's been almost a month now and I've already begun tapering. This time I'm much more confident in my treatment and I've relaxed enough to really be able to see a light at the end of my tunnel. My goal is to be off Sub completely at the end of September. Although I've had a few pretty bad episodes recently, the initial anxiety is passing and I hope to have better control of the depression soon. I was glad to hear that you're continuing your program as you see fit and, I'm not sure but, it seems like things have reached a plateau for you personally. Hopefully, you'll be on the backside of your family crises soon. Take good care!


I'm admitting right here and now that my brain cells are still climbing all over one another and bottlenecking in really strange places so I can't remember who you used to be! I think you used to be Carol. In which case, I'm still mad at you for not taking me on vacation with you. If not....well then, maybe we COULD go on a vacation....???? Lord knows I could use one!


Hey Callie,

Its me Amy, I pop in and out of here the last few months. My screen name has always been Redd, its just been awhile since I've been here posting. To be honest I don't know if we ever really introduced each other to the other. But anyways, its nice to meet you or slash see you again. I just liked what you said about respect and support. This is where I may have said a few months ago that all of us should do that, but instead I'm just going to try and practice that myself and leave others to what ever works for them.

p.s. I'm always up for a vacation....Hawaii????
Good advice Redd
No, redd, I wasn't refering to Kat. She is one of the people that acutally reflect the "program" in my opinion. That is if you were reffering to me.
As always Amy, you say it so well and I agree, Kat does have a way about her that speaks of grace under fire and class without equal. I am so lucky to have her and you in my corner. Corner being life in general.

Callie...Hang in there honey. You are at a really crucial time in your recovery right now but it sounds like you're doing what is best for you. I'm glad to hear that you'll be tapering off of the sub. It's given you a breather but at some point it's time to deal with life on life's terms. Good for you. You know where to find me and I'm always there for you.

so nice to see you posting REDD !

how r u................

hello everyone !

its kinda neat to see you all posting in the same thread....have not seen that in a while..............



CG....i know you have been through alot with your mom ...
take care of yourself..............
God Bless you.

goos night everyone.................

just wanted to say HI..............

keri..........i bet the weather is just so pretty in hawaii...........HUGS



Good to see you posting, Amy! You sound good, my friend.
Callie, I owe you an email. I'm terrible about getting behind on my emails. I owe Rhonda one too. I need to give everyone my phone number. Calling is so much easier, lol.
Aw Amy, you are the very definition of grace during indescrible misfortune and misery. (Not taking a thing from our Kat!) But I don't know of a more loving, intelligent person who has ever posted here. You're absolutely right in pointing out that most here are intelligent enough to do thir own thinking. Not only that, most see absolutely no need for continuing dissent, or for "recruiting" people to join their little army of hate and gossiping mongering the spreading of lies. God Bless you my frined, and I call you that with great pride. Thank you for once again hitting it right on the head.

Love you,
Hiya Thumper nice to see you too hun. jax
I agree Becky, well said by both of you! We're all bright and fairly well adjusted people, it's absurd to insinuate that any of us would need a leader or queen. It's too silly to even be funny. Everyone here is here by choice to enjoy this place and use it for whatever purpose it serves for them. This place is whatever the members make it and when people are griping and miserable then they've managed to make it a miserable place. When members are cheerful and happy then the board reflects that as well.
Hi Kat i dont see anywhere on this thread where anyone is saying there is a ring leader, something i mised? jaxxxxx
Hiya Jacky! It was up on one of Amy (Redd's) first posts on this thread. But we've had to hear it other places as well.
We don't need leaders or followers, just friends. Don't you agree? I mean, a leader on a public message board? lol, jeez.