
Hi Angela, I don't know if you remember me but you and I talked a bit when we both first joined the board. Anyways, I was just catching up on all of the posts that were made this weekend and I was wondering if you decided what you are going to do (the sub or ct?) Sorry if I missed it somewhere. I'm just curious because I've been following your story since your first day and I really hope you make it! I know you can. You sound like such a strong person. Take care and I wish you the best of luck, no matter what you decide!

hi jmr, thanks for checking on me. right now i am doing the waiting period in between my last percocet (730 last night) and when i start my sub. it sucks i feel like crap! i am taking my first dose at 330 this afternoon. i am going to start a new topic @ it hope to see you there. how are you today?
I am really happy for you Angela. I know this will work out for you because you seem so determined! I'm sure it is scary and exciting all at the same time. Just are on your way to a whole new life! Congratulations! I will be watching for your posts later today!

Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to do this thing cold turkey. I only see 2 sub doctors in my area on the list. I don't know if there are more out there or not but the website only lists 2. One takes my type of insurance, but I'm not sure if my insurance would cover it even if there was an opening in his office. I have this trip this weekend to Washington DC for my stepson's wedding. There is no way I could sit still in a car for 8 hours while in withdrawal so I will have to wait until after we get back. I'm hoping it won't be too god-awful because I've managed to reduce my intake from 10-12 percs a day (mixed in with 30-60 mg morphine occassionally) to about 5-7 a day. I know I will still be sick but hopefully it will be manageable.

Hopefully you will do well on the sub. You only have 3 more hours to go and, from what I've heard, you should get quite a bit of relief from it. Keep us all posted on how you are! Good luck!

jodi, the dr i saw didn't take my ins but i did ask him what kind of dr's prescribed sub. anyway he said lots anywhere from psych's, in paitent rehab, and even some reg family dr's so mabye you should look a little more into it? i was right where you are with my percs before today down to 7-9 although saturday i took 11(i wanted to finish what i had left by the end of the weekend)which was so stupid now i am paying for it. mabye next week you could get down to 5? do you think you could?
I bet you will be feeling better when you take the sub. It works really fast. Please keep us informed on how your feeling.

You and I are in the same boat. I was considering after the 4th of July going on sub. It will be one of the two . . . Cold Turkey or Sub! Sub is a much better way to go. I've done it before and it works very well. I would keep on with trying to find a Doctor in your area. You should be able to find one. I have been trying to tapering and it's just not working.
Hey Angela,
I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. I am so happy you are starting the sub. As I said before, I know nothing about it, but it sounds like others on here sounds like you won't have as hard a time as if you were going ct. That was no fun, trust me.
Keep us posted on your progess. Oh, how is your husband acting? The same?
I think it's 3:30 your time . . . How are you feeling? Did you take sub yet. I'm dying to know how your feeling. Let us know how your feeling.
We are waiting to find out how you are:-) Please let us know. Rae
hi guys, sorry i got all wrapped up watching kill bill 2 its pretty cool. ok i took the sub at 3:10 i took 1/2 of an 8mg my husband broke it in 1/2 for me and messed it all up so i had like 4 little pieces to under my tongue, it dissolved at lightning speed, i guess cause it was all small, so then my mouth totally filled up w/saliva and i eventually had to spit it out, i have a really serious gag reflex (sorry if i grossed you all out) so my dr called to check on me and he said give it another hour or so to see if it got absorbed??? so i do feel a little better but again he is going to call later to determine if i should take the whole 8mg? any one have an oppinion on this amount?

ps thank you all so much for careing about me i really need it right now

sunshine, my husband has been back and forth, but when he brought home my sub he was a new man!! how are you feeling?
I'm so glad that he's being supportive. My God, you need it now. For better or for worse, right? That's what I keep reminding my husband.
Today has been horrible for me, but thanks for asking. Tomorrow will be better. I am just glad to know that you are okay.
Tracey,how has your guy been lately? like i said andy was great today csues today was d day, but yesterday was a whole nother story.... we went to my moms for a cook out (first time seeing them since i told everyone about the pills) well wrong day to see the whole family considering it was the first day in 2 years i wasn't going to pop pills at night, i started to get real antsy and wanted to leave before dessert, well andy didn't want to go yet, mind you before we got there we had a talk where i informed him when i say let's go don't make a scene just take me home... didn't happen, he and my mom were in the kitchen talking @ me and i totally over reacted, i went a little nutty and stormed out. i went to the car and waited for him, after he never showed up i had to go back in after him and blah blah blah, you get the picture right? we jusst came home had some more words and went to bed in seprate beds, this morning we didn't even talk about it. but i had to make a total a** out of myself 1 last time in front of me mom, who probally thinks i am a total kook, so enough about me how is your man??? does he have any suggestions about your recovery since he is a dr? i guess like you have said in the past it's more embarrsing (sp?) for you cause he has come home and told you @ "people like us" lol

SORRY,I thought I posted this on sunshines thread