
Thank you for welcoming me. It means alot. I was sitting here waiting for someone to reply wondering if I even really matter but that's what the oxys have done to me. Make me think I don't matter. My friend told my about this today over the phone and I joined while on the phone with her! I was so excited to get workin on it. Again, thank you. It means the world.
krystal, i wasn't sure if you were new when i first posted. this board is a lot slower on the weekends,stick around,you woln't believe how many people you will meet during the corse of the day! this site is awsome! i have made some really great friends here! i know what you mean in your previous post about feeling like you don't matter. that is exactly how i felt a few weeks ago,and that feeling is what really triggered me to take more and more percocet. i just quit last monday and i credit this board for getting me to where i am today. i will be around for a tiny bit longer tonight if you want to chat,and i am usually on every day during the week. again welcome and i am glad you found this place!!!
Krystal, welcome, i have been detoxing all weakend, so was not on much. Was sleeping alot you know. Glad you joined us. I am 48 hours clean from Lortab, (same as vicodin). You can do this, there is alot of support here. God Bless.