Angry All The Time!

I quit taking pills in Dec. and started on suboxone. It seems like ever since then I am so short fused. This is very different from how I usually am. Even before I started taking painpills I was so calm and collected.

At work I complain more, althought it is justified I let it bother me way to much. When I work with this one certain person I have to do 3 times the work and anyone would be pissed. I have complained to my boss and nothing is ever done. I just get so fustrated I snap!! I slam things, my ears turn red, and I have a hard time calming down.

This is so unlike my usual demeanor. I used to get upset but just let it roll off my back. For years I was always taken advantage of and walk on. I dont know if I have become so fed up that I have gone to the other extreme or what.

I talked to my sub Dr about this and she thought it was due to sleep depravation and the fact that I lost a lot of my coping abilities when I started taking pills all the time.

So how the heck do I control this? I have tried to take deep breaths, ignore the problems, address the problems, take charge of the problems, and no matter what I do I get soooo fustrated.

This also happens out side of work. I am just short tempared all the time.

Has anyone else delt with this and how did you handle it??

I even try asking myself if getting this upset is even worth it. how is getting angry benefitting me? I just feel so out of control!!

Please help,

I think one of the reasons I fell in love with opiates is that it "smoothed out" my temper and I didn't have to deal with my inability to stand up for myself without being confrontational. When you finally stop the pills, the lack of coping skills and anger are right there! I went to therapy and that helped. Anger management might help also.
The work thing you describe used to happen to me too. The resentment I used to feel was HUGE! I didn't want to be a biotch and didn't know how to stop co-workers from dumping on me. (They won't LIKE me) Needless to say I no longer have that job, but at least I don't numb those feelings anymore.

Maybe some therapy or meetings might help?
I think I am going to start going to thearapy soon. I have decided to take a good long brake from work. All I need is a dr. note and I have lots of sick time so I should be covered.

With my job it is just soooo freakin hard to stay calm. I sit in a little room all by myself for 12 1/2 hrs a day, watching 33 patients heart rhythms.

They hired this lady in Nov. but she was not certified to watch the monitors nor did she have the experience. So since November everythime I work with her I hardly get a break. The nurses have to relive me for my breaks and they are to busy to help.

Then this lady just sucks when it comes to her job. She is twice my age and just can not remember to do her job right. So everyone gets mad at her and pawns there work off on me. But then I am the only one that says anything to our boss because no one wants to be in the middle of it.

She is also soooo impatient, ignorant, and pretty much usless. There is always supposed to be a unit secratery and a monitor tech. I would rather be there alone and not deal with her bull than have to work with this lady.

So just image sitting in a little room, alone, 12 1/2 hrs, no breaks not even to go pee, and some ignorant lazy lady sitting right next to you.

Grrrrrrr is putting it mildly! I think I would be short tempered and snappy too LOL. 12 1/2 hrs WOW that's rough!

Sorry I didn't mean to imply you had a temper problem, that was just me and your story sounded familiar....but umm, yours sounds tougher than the one I had by far. How long has the slug lady worked there? Can't they get rid of her and hire someone with a brain? What does your boss say?

Just concerned.....good luck.
Lost love

hey girl!
That sucks. One of my biggest pet peeves is working with people that do not pull their own weight, so you have to do more. That pisses me off so much.

If you're like me you already have to pull more than your share in your normal life, it would be nice if you could atleast do a 50/50 at work.

I was just writing to say hey, and that I've been a big angry too, but for way different reasons.

Talk to you later
I took no offense what so ever by your reply.

The lady I work with used to be a CNA on our floor untill her back problems got so bad they told her, as a favor, that they would hire her on as a secratery/monitor tech. When they hired her they already had enough staff for that postion so now there are to many of us. So if there is 3 of us on one day one of us will get canceled or one will have to go to another unit and work. (either one sucks)

I have brought this matter up to both of my bosses but they dont seem concerned in the slitest. She messes up so bad to the point where it effects the patients. She puts in STAT orders on the wrong patients so the one that needs the orders doesn't get it and the one that was mistakenly put in gets labs drawn that were not needed. This effects the nurses, me, lab people, and most importatly the patient. She is consistantly missing orders so the patients dont get what they need. She never follows direction, never does her work properly, and takes like a thousand breaks a day.

Hardly anyone will speak up about this. So it seems to be only me most of the time. No one else has to work so closely to her. And the ones that do just keep doing her work and say they don't want to get involved.

It is so messed up. We dont even need her there.
Thanks JJ. Didn't notice you post before.

I am just so angry all the time. I was never like this before. I was so easy going. I just dont know what is wrong with me now.
Just a thought (maybe the addict in me) but you mentioned she hurt her back doing CNA work and now works with you. Do ya think maybe she's pill poppin and that might cause her total bumbling around. In the end at my job I got soooo disorganized and I think it was really a good thing I quit before I was fired!

I don't know what good it would do even if you knew she was using. But to put patients at risk....that is just wrong. No wonder I get scared to go to hospital LOL Cleaning up after other people's screw-ups and trying to get your own stuff done? Sooo tiring and stressful!

When I first started to train her she told me all about her problems. She takes darvocets for her back but is too afriad to take them at work so she just uses otc drugs. She also takes colotopin (sp) and xanax and I know she takes those at work. She has always been on xanax and just started the colotopin recently, but she has always been this iggnorant and dumb headed.

I just need to find a way to calm down!!

Thank you for letting me vent!!


Vent anytime :) Hang in there...
i had NO coping skills when i first got clean, didn't know how to handle any anger, stress, etc. and EVERYTHING bothered me. I REALLY suffered from being "eaten up" all the time. Once I went to AA/NA I learned SOOOOO many tools to learn how to cope with life. I never thought I could find such peace. Not that I have it all the time, but I try not to let others "take up space in my head". I would be CRAZY if it weren't for learning an entire new way to think. So, with that said......... maybe a meeting would help. It sure helped me.
In dealing with problems at work, I always found that concrete documentation works best. Date...time...specific incident, etc. It will make you feel better knowing your doing something and it will let the powers that be know specifics instead of a general...."I dont like her, she's not doing her work." Documentaton will work well in verifying your gripes.