
Hello - I was wondering if anyone had any info about antidepressants. I have been trying to avoid taking them but would like to learn a little bit about them. I know that no one here is a doctor and I will consult with my doctor if I consider it but wanted to know who has taken what and what helped or did not for them. I definitely don't want anything that might make me gain weight. I'm going to make a strong effort to get back into working out and see how much better I feel with that. I thought I would take a poll on a/d's. I took zoloft for a short period of time (less than a year) but was also on the other "meds" at the time. Hard to tell if it worked. Aside from being numb from the waist down I felt pretty good.

I have been there before.

Dr. said I suffered from extreme depression.

Prescribed several types, paxil, cymbalta, ect.

All made me loopy.

If you think that PP are heard to detox.

AD are much worse.

Read the book Now by Ekhardt Tolle.

He suffered from extreme depression for over 20 years and found how to overcome it without the AD.

And lots of other things.

Very interesting book!

His philosophy helps me.

Good Luck!

Hi Alice -

Whether or not you go on AD's is something that you should discuss and decide with your doctor. There's nothing wrong with getting info from others and their experiences with AD's, but at the end of the day we're all different. We choose different paths for our recovery from pills, the same logic applies to what to do regarding AD's. You need to determine, with your doctor, whether or not to use an AD, and then which AD will work best for you.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression back in the early 90's. I've been on Effexor 300mg per day for several years and it has been very good for me. There are some side effects but thay are minimal and manageable. Again, Effexor is what works for me. I tried other AD's that didn't work. That's a very frustrating aspect of going on an AD - finding what works best for you.

Good luck to you on your journey!

Amen Scott,

Seen the disastrous effects of prolonged use of AD drugs first hand. Good friend of mine took everything that was available and ultimately is in much better shape through good diet and exercise....matter of fact he opened up a chain of nutrition stores out west.
Thanks. I've been really sad this week.
Hi Alice. Do you think you were just having a sad week due to not being clean long?It depends how depressed you are.
Of course talk to your dr. I do not know much about those pills.
I do not mean to get personal however in my opinion I would reevaluate my life. Like were you happy before the pills? Or maybe you want to escape? Cuz I was seriously feeling depressed but it seems to get better with discipline for myself. And of cousre staying clean. Just a thought! Take care. I hope you feel better!
I'm with Scott and Dave on this one.
It can take a good year to level out from drug abuse.It's called PAWS and may effect everyone different.We live in such an immediate fix society and that is one reason why the pharmeceutical industry is booming.

I was told I needed an AD several years ago.I have fought taking one and now am glad I didn't.If someone is clinically depressed then yes they should consider an AD.I have seen first hand what clinical depression looks like and it's not pretty.

I also had to get out of the habit of running to doctors.They are not Gods.They are practitioners that treat symptoms.These days most do not want to spend anymore than 30 minutes with a patient anyway.

However,being sad,depressed,melancholoy,angry,unmotivated during the first year of sobriety is normal.I don't know anybody that doesn't go through it.A lot of times simple things like changing our diet,getting more exercise,socializing a bit more and getting involved in helping others is a great alternative.And guess what? It works.

Clinical depression is a biological disease.There are test to determine it.Before you jump on that bandwagon,make sure that is what is going on.The reality is that when we come off that fake high we have start looking at the harshness of some our antics while intoxicated.At least I did.Some days suck.If you are Poly Sunshine 24/7 then in my book that's a disorder.Even Buddhist monks have their moments.

I would see a nutrionist first and then get my butt moving.Go walking,jogging,riding a bike,swim anything that caters to your interest.Our brains are powerful tools.
Thanks for the input. I am going to ride my recumbent bike and take a walk today. Have to get more of those amino's as well. I'm just not dealing with the kids and family stress very well. It's coming up on a year anniversary of my mom's death. She loved the holidays and I can't help but miss her this time of year. She always was my confidante and helped me get things together. Alot of last year's memories are flooding in along with the hectic hustle bustle that is being a working mother. I kind of hate the holidays for all the extra work involved. Every year I say that I am going to keep it simple. But even so there are meals to be prepared, decorations to be put up, gifts to be bought, etc., etc. Sometimes I miss the days when all I had to do was buy gifts and go to parties.
Amen Tim and Alice Ime going throught the exact thing you are right now!

""However,being sad,depressed,melancholoy,angry,unmotivated during the first year of sobriety is normal.I don't know anybody that doesn't go through it.A lot of times simple things like changing our diet,getting more exercise,socializing a bit more and getting involved in helping others is a great alternative.And guess what? It works.

I would see a nutrionist first and then get my butt moving.Go walking,jogging,riding a bike,swim anything that caters to your interest.Our brains are powerful tools.""


Alice, since you asked for experiences, I will tell you mine. Doesn't mean it will work for you. I've had problems with depression for a long time. As you know, I started counseling a few weeks ago. I've never been one to be honest about my deep emotions, buy for some reason (I believe it was God) I went into this appt and let it all flow. One of the major reasons that I am depressed is because of my father dying of cancer when I was 13. When I found out he was dying (by overhearing him tell my neighbor), I shut off all emotions. I decided nothing was going to bother me. The problem is that no one ever talked to me and asked how I was feeling. I decided I had to be the strong one. That was 23 years ago, and I cried about it in front of someone for the first time a few weeks ago. It's a very deep hurt. Counselor said I was suffering from "severe unfinished grief". I guess it's time I grieve.

About 8 years ago, I went to my doctor and told her that I was suffering from depression. In that time, I have been on every SSRI antidepressent there was. Nothing worked. The worst pill I ever took was Paxil. Took me over a year to quit taking them because every time I tried, I got massive migraines. That was bad stuff.

A little less than 2 years ago, I told my doctor that I wanted a referral to a psychiatrist. I was scared, but it was a great decision. Family docs don't specialize in treating depression, so they only prescribe the fda recommended dosage. The psychiatrist put me on Imipramine (a tricyclic antidressent) and it really made a difference. I felt better, slept better, and lost weight. The problem was that I was not ready to give up my pp's. When my addiction came to light in January of this year, I decided I was going to quit taking the AD, because I wanted to prove I was strong and didn't need them. Boy, was I wrong. I had no w/d side effects from quiting them ct, but the sadness quickly set it.

A few months ago, I went back to my psychiatrist and told him that I knew that I needed help. He put me back on them. Since then, I am sleeping better and I have lost 30 pounds. I'm going to stay on it this time because I have those deep wounds to deal with. After I get through all that, then I will worry about stopping the A/Ds.

I highly recommend that you have your doctor refer you to a psychiatrist. They are more trained to deal with this stuff. I know you may feel embarrassed to about it, but it was a great decision for me. He put me on much more than the recommended dose, but I need it. If you ever want to talk about, feel free to call me.

I hope that, whatever decision you decide, you put your and your family's best interest at heart as I know you will. Best of luck to you and I hope this blah spell ends soon for you.
I don't think this is a subject to take sides, but rather one where you need to determine what is acceptable for you. I know the subject of AD's can be a lightning rod for some, especially if you or someone you know has experienced problems. I'd be upset too. But the reality is AD's have helped millions of people, and I personally know quite a few people in AA who are now on AD's and they were like me - they were drinking/drugging to self-medicate and feel better because they suffered from a lifetime of depression and anxiety. Now they're clean and sober and living a productive and healthy life.

And if you think you have a problem with depression I agree that you should see a specialist, not your family doctor. See your doctor to get a refferal, but that's it. I've been seeing a psychiatrist for years who specializes in mood disorders such as clinical depression, bi-polar, etc.

Tim you make good points about diet and exercise. These are things we should be doing regardless of whether or not we're depressed. But especially after we stop taking pills and/or drinking, we need to allow time for our brain to stabilize, and eating right and also getting into a pattern of exercise will definitely help.

And it depends how depressed you are I suppose, but I wouldn't wait a year to get help. Just my opinion, but if after 6-8 weeks you're still depressed I'd recommend having a discussion with a specialist. That doesn't mean you have to jump on the AD train, but we need to take responsibility to educate ourselves and fully understand all of the options that are available to us.

I don't have anything against AD's.I don't have anything against opiates.All drugs have a place.What I do have a problem with is the mass marketing they do.Every other commercial on TV is about one and the symptoms they cite for being on them occur in everyone at some time.

I have friends in the program on them.They work very well with some people.I just think one should have a very conservative approach toward them.
I hear on the TV all the time, "Ask your doctor"? More like tell your doctor what you want and he'll give it to you to get you out of his office.

Honestly I am feeling so much better today. Don't know what made me feel that one bad (terrible) day can topple me. I am going through PAWS AND MENOPAWS. OUCH! I think I'm starting to see a pattern in myself. I start to take charge of my life yet look to others to make me happy. When that doesn't happen I give all of my power to the other person. I have to work on that. When things don't go a certain way I get all po'd. I have to learn to step back from the chaos and do what I need to do for my sanity. Thanks for all of the feedback.
I started taking paxil when I first arrived back in Canada. I was so dern miserable. I had taken paxil some 10 years prior, prior to my drug addiction rearing it's ugly head. They worked for me back then. This time I took them for a couple of months and then just stopped. I stopped with NO side effects. I just didn't think that they were helping Maybe in the beginning they were, however, I just didn't want to continue.

I have heard that paxil can and does help with some symptoms of menopause. I have no idea whether this is true or not....I am almost tempted to get back on them for that reason alone.

I have been suffering like mad. I have hot flashes every hour all day long....then I am freezing cold with a headache. The hot flashes wake me from a dead sleep. I haven't had a decent full night sleep in months. I am taking some herbs and vitamins, I don't think that they are working either.

WTF to do??? Just ride it out....hopefully not for to much longer. It's like being in constant PMS, chocolate and sweet cravings with no end in's all my hubby's fault. Just ask him.

As women we get it all. I am thankful and love being women....but.....just not today.

I think I may try some of these amino acids that I have been reading about and maybe lessen my intake of nicotine...caffine....sugar and fat!!! Get my arse off the couch and get to the gym. That is the answer....I do know's mustering up the energy. fer sure!!!
I can honestly say that God has been very good to me in the menopause part. I always used to joke that I suffered so much with cramps and PMS God would never make me suffer a bad menopause. I think it was kind of a threat. He knew I meant that as a please God, no mas! I had about 7 different surgeries for endometriosis including two c-sections. Wonder why my addiction went on and on? But anyway I am feeling fine in that department. Everything just stopped. That in itself is reason for celebration. You know that PMS stands for "Poor Male Sufferers" right? Anyway I said I was going to exercise today and I walked the doggie for 30 minutes and rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes. Tomorrow I am going to make that yoga class too. And ride the bike again. This is just a proclamation so that I do it. I heard that wellbutrin has the side effect of loss of apetite. The sick one inside said "that sounds good". A happy pill that helps you get skinny, too. I decided to not mess with my brain for a while. I'm going to see how it goes day by day before I jump into anything with a/d's. Thanks for the input and the cheerleading. It helps to lift me up!